Daily bible reading and sharing

Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Kyle

"In those days, after the disaster, the sun will turn black, the moon will not shine, the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will shake. At that time, they (Matthew 24: 30 is all the families of the earth) will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. He will send angels from all directions, from the ends of the earth to the horizon, to gather his voters. " "You can learn a metaphor from the fig tree: when the branches become tender and grow leaves, you will know that summer is near. Therefore, when you see these things happening, you should know that the Son of Man is at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away, and all these things will happen. Heaven and earth will be abolished, but my words cannot be abolished. " "But that day, that moment, no one knows, not even the angel of heaven, nor the son, only the father knows.

Although we don't know when the Lord will come, the Bible says that no one knows when the Lord will come, only the Father knows. The day of the Lord's arrival is near. What matters is whether people are ready to see the face of the Lord and whether they are accurately separated from sin.

Many people in the Bible met Jesus, but not all of them were blessed by the Lord, such as Pharisees, lawyers and young rich people ... they believed what they had believed since childhood more than Jesus Christ.

In John 8, a woman was caught committing adultery. The Pharisees brought her to Jesus to test whether he wanted to kill the woman. They only have these two choices in their minds, and they can grasp the handle of Jesus. If you don't kill a woman, it will be against the law. If you kill her, if Jesus came to save sinners, that's a lie. However, Jesus is God Jesus, and there are countless answers. Jesus wrote on the ground and said to them, whoever is innocent among you may stone her to death. Everyone present looked at themselves because of Jesus' words, and no one was innocent, so they all put down their stones. Jesus said to the woman, Woman, has anyone condemned you? The woman said, no. Jesus said to him, I will not condemn you, and you will never sin again. Jesus has the power to forgive sins. Because Jesus bears everyone's sins. Jesus didn't just say this to women. Women are our shadows. Jesus also wants to say to everyone, "I don't condemn you either" and "it's so far." When we accept the salvation of Jesus Christ with faith, we will no longer be sinners, but just upright people. When the Lord comes again, we can be together. It is especially hopeful when thinking.