Lyrics of 83 Happy Songs

The lyrics of "83 Happy Songs" are as follows:

Merry Christmas! Good news! Let's sing! Jerusalem hails the Messiah as king!

Bring happy news, everyone sings; Shout for joy in Jerusalem, king of the Messiah!

Zion reported that the Savior had arrived and that Jesus Christ was willing to save all people in a humble way.

The news of Zion spread all over the earth: the savior was born! Jesus Christ has hollowed himself out to save everyone.

Merry Christmas! Good news! Let's sing! Jerusalem hails the Messiah as king!

Bring happy news, everyone sings; Shout for joy in Jerusalem, king of the Messiah!

Merry Christmas! Good news! Let's sing! Jerusalem hails the Messiah as king!

Do you have any original songs of Happy Songs?

The good news brought the eighty-third new hymn, which was published in 1982. Because the traditional hymns are changed from popular folk songs, the original songs of happy songs can't be found, which are hummed by folk choirs or orchestras.