The sun went down, and the old willows by the river were crooked, with little golden light hanging on the treetops. There is not much water in the river, but there are many green algae, like a greasy long green belt, narrow dark green, with a slight fishy smell. The wheat in the north of the river bank has grown awn, withered and withered, and a layer of dust has fallen on its leaves. The green leaves of the lotus pond in Henan float feebly on the water, and there are always some tiny blisters on the left and right sides of the leaves. On the east bridge, people and cars come and go, especially in the rush of sunset, as if dusk is approaching, everyone has a sense of unease. These are very interesting and lovely in Xiangzi's eyes and ears. Only such a small river can be regarded as a river; Such trees, wheat, lotus leaves and bridges can be regarded as trees, wheat, lotus leaves and bridges. Because they all belong to Beiping. Sitting there, he is not busy. Everything in front of him is familiar and lovely, even if he is doing nothing, he seems to be very happy. After a long rest, he went to the bridge and ate a bowl of old tofu: vinegar, soy sauce, pepper oil and chopped leeks. When it was scalded by hot white tofu, it gave off a delicious smell, which made Xiangzi hold his breath. Holding a bowl, looking at the dark green leek powder, my hands trembled. Take a bite, and tofu will burn a path in the body; He added two teaspoons of Chili oil himself. After eating a bowl, my pants were soaked with sweat. Half-closed eyes, handed out the bowl: "Another bowl!" "Stood up, he felt like a man again. The sun is still at the lowest point in the west, and the river is slightly reddened by the sunset glow. He was so happy that he wanted to shout it out. Touching the smooth scar on his face, touching the money in his bag and looking at the sunshine upstairs from the corner of his eye, he stubbornly forgot his illness and everything, as if he had a little wish, and he decided to go to town.
In the first paragraph, the scenery in the evening is described in detail. The word "crooked" indicates that the willows bend over, and the word "hanging" indicates the position of the sun. It just dawned in the morning. Metaphorical rhetoric is used to vividly describe the color and shape of green algae. Through the description of the wheat on the north bank of Hebei, the green leaves in the lotus pond in Henan and the bridge in the east, the tranquility and harmony in the rural areas of Beiping are reflected. In the second paragraph, Xiangzi eats old tofu. "Delicious" reflects the delicious taste of old tofu. Holding your breath shows that the taste of old tofu is very convincing. Shake hands and talk happily made me read Xiangzi's surprise and desire for delicious old tofu. "Soaking" means Xiangzi eats tofu quickly, otherwise he wouldn't sweat his pants. Another Bowl illustrates this point. In the third paragraph, the word "reddish" represents the color of the sunset glow, while "happy" means that Xiangzi is immersed in the beauty of the sunset glow and "forgets everything". The sunset glow made Xiangzi forget his troubles and pains.