Qu Yuan, a doctor of Chu State, has always loved the country, but his patriotism has been unfairly treated by Zilan, Shanxi merchants and others. On the fifth day of May, 278 AD, Qu Yuan jumped into the Miluo River with a big stone in his arms, killing people. The Chu people were very sad. Everyone rowed boats to save Qu Yuan, but there was no shadow of Qu Yuan in the vast sea. We fished in the Miluo River for a long time, but we didn't find Qu Yuan's body, so we had to put the rice in the bamboo tube, hoping that the fish in the water wouldn't be needed. From then on, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, local people rowed boats and scattered rice in bamboo tubes into the river. Later, people changed rice in bamboo tubes into zongzi.
Every Dragon Boat Festival, people buy jiaozi, jiaozi and jiaozi. The shape of zongzi is very special, neither square nor round. Zongzi is wrapped in glutinous rice and green dates, and some people wrap it in meat ... the color and appearance are beautiful, and the taste of Zongzi is unique. It is not only an appetizer in summer, but also a nutritious tonic, so adults and children like it very much.
During the Dragon Boat Festival, people make dumplings, buy dumplings and eat dumplings. The shape of zongzi is very special. It is neither square nor round. Zongzi uses green leaves to wrap glutinous rice and dates, and some people wrap meat with beautiful color and appearance, and the taste of Zongzi is also unique. It is not only a delicious food for relieving summer heat and appetizing, but also a nutritious tonic, which is loved by adults and children.
Whenever I eat zongzi, I will think of the patriotic spirit of the poet Qu Yuan!
Whenever I eat zongzi, I think of Qu Yuan's patriotic spirit!