What once-common ingredients have faded out of Chinese recipes?

On our daily dining tables, there are meals made from a variety of ingredients. …These ingredients and these meals constitute the recipes of our daily diet.

In different eras, the ingredients we have access to are different. …In the past, the types of food ingredients we were exposed to were smaller, but now, not only are logistics developed, we can see a variety of food ingredients from all over the world, but our living standards are also higher, which gives us the conditions Go buy various ingredients to make various meals and enrich our dining table.

Specifically, the ingredients we can currently use include the following categories.

1. Meat.

Meat is the most nutritious food and can provide our body with the richest nutrients, so it is also the most popular food.

Meat ingredients include the following types:

First, livestock meat.

For example, beef, mutton, pork, etc.

Second, poultry meat.

For example, chicken, duck, etc.

Third, fish and meat.

Fish meat is the most diverse type of meat.

Fourth, other meats.

For example, scallops, lobster, conch, etc., all belong to this kind of meat.

2. Vegetables.

There are many types of vegetables. There are countless vegetable ingredients we use daily, such as cabbage, radish, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, etc.

Vegetable ingredients can provide us with rich dietary fiber, as well as various vitamins and other types of trace elements, which are of great significance to our health.

3. All kinds of food.

Grain is a staple food. For our daily diet, it is the most important source of nutrients such as carbohydrates.

Grains include rice, flour, and various miscellaneous grains.

In addition, there are many kinds of ingredients, such as mushrooms, which are also ingredients we often eat every day.

We will use each of these ingredients in the cooking process, and no ingredient will be discarded. ...The reason is very simple. These ingredients have good taste and taste, and can provide us with rich and nutritious food. Of course, we cannot give them up.

However, at different times, we may use certain ingredients more due to taste and other issues, which is very common.