Moses' blessing to Yue Se is a beautiful treasure cultivated by the moon.
On Yue Se: May his land be blessed by the Lord, the treasures of heaven, the dew and springs hidden underground; Get the beautiful fruits cooked by the sun and the treasures cultivated by the moon; (Deuteronomy 33: 13- 14 and joint edition)
? Joshua son of Nun; Moses laid his hands on his head, and he was filled with the spirit of wisdom, and Israel listened to him and did as the Lord commanded Moses. ? (Deuteronomy 34:9 NIV)
? I want wisdom, but how can I get it? I didn't just tell God that you gave it to me. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Because Joshua feared God, God gave him wisdom. If you don't fear God, there is no wisdom ~
? Half the tribe of Reuben Gadmanasseh left those who could not fight in the east of Jordan, so how long did it take them to go back after fighting with other tribes?