The history of the development of the bible.

The Bible consists of 39 volumes of the Old Testament and 27 volumes of the New Testament, and 66 volumes, written by different authors.

The Old Testament is mainly written in Hebrew (a little in Aramaic), and the New Testament is written in Greek.

The Old Testament was completed hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, while the New Testament began after the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

It is generally believed that the Book of Job may be the oldest volume in the Bible, but its exact completion time is unknown.

In addition to the Book of Job, the oldest five books of Moses (the first five books of the Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) were written around 1400 BC, and the Old Testament was written around 400 BC.

The writing of the New Testament began in the middle of the first century and was completed at the end of the first century.

There is a 400-year interval between the two covenants (called "silent period").

Therefore, the writing of the old and new contracts lasted about 1500 years.

The Bible was originally written on paper made of sheepskin (sheep, goat or antelope), calves or reeds, which are abundant in shallow lakes in Egypt and Syria.

This reed, also called papyrus, is exported from Biblus, Syria.

Byblos means "book" in Greek, which is the name of this port.

The English word "Paper" also comes from the Greek word "Papyrus".

In addition, some scriptures are preserved on chorus, stone tablet, wax plate, etc.

Copying tools include reeds, feathers and metal pens.

Ink is made of charcoal, glue and water.

More than forty authors of the Bible not only live in different times, but also have different occupations and identities, and their writing environment is also very different.

Moses is a political leader, Joshua is a military leader, David and Solomon are kings, Daniel is prime minister, Paul is a Jewish legalist, Luke is a doctor, Peter and John are fishermen, Amos is a shepherd and Matthew is a tax collector.

In the New Testament, Jews were ruled by Romans.

Tax collectors are those who, as Jews, collect taxes from their compatriots for Rome and profit from them.

Like a traitor who works for the Japanese in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

Some people say that tax collectors are traitors.

Some are written in the palace, and some are written in prisons or exile islands; Some were written in military wars, and some were completed in peaceful and prosperous times; Some are written in the joy of * * *, and some are written in the trough of sadness and disappointment.

All the books in the Bible are written independently and then read in synagogues or Christian churches.

The author of the Bible didn't know that these books would be rolled into volumes in the future, forming the canon of the New Testament and the Old Testament.

Amazingly, when people put these 66 volumes together, these works with different styles written across 60 generations are so harmonious, echoing and integrated! /kloc-Needless to say, the time and space differences caused by more than 0/000 years, even works independently created by people of the same era, are difficult to achieve harmony with each other.

Even the works of the same person, with the passage of time, their views will contradict each other! Imagine, what do we think of the works written ten years ago? In fact, what I want to publish is the revised version of Ode to a Wanderer just published in 1996! The unique coherence of the Bible can only be explained as the spirit of God runs through it, and God is the real author of the Bible.

Around 250 BC, at the invitation of King Ptolemy II of Egypt, Eleazar, a Jewish high priest, selected six elders from 12 Jewish tribes and came to Alexandria with the scrolls of the Old Testament to translate the Hebrew Old Testament into the popular Greek at that time. This is the famous lxx.

At that time, the Old Testament had a good embryonic form.

By the time of Jesus, the Old Testament had been finalized.

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus and the authors of the New Testament often quote the Old Testament.

The "scripture" in "scripture says so" refers to the Old Testament.

But it was officially announced that the canon of the Old Testament was completed at the end of the first century.

In 70 AD, when the holy city of Jerusalem was about to be destroyed, Jewish rabbi Judea got permission from the Roman authorities to hold a high-level Jewish conference in Jamnia between Joppa and the capital of Azov.

The matters discussed at the meeting were first passed down by word of mouth and then recorded in the rabbi's works.

At the meeting, there were differences on whether to include Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs and Esther in the canon, but the results of the discussion still confirmed that 39 books belonged to the canon of the Old Testament.

Around AD 140, Marcion began to spread heresy and wrote a set of so-called New Testament canon.

This enlightens the church to establish the orthodox New Testament canon, which has the influence of Markov.

Furthermore, many churches in the East have begun to use some scriptures with incorrect sources, so it is increasingly necessary to establish the scope of the New Testament canon.

In 303 AD, the Roman emperor Diocletian ordered the destruction of all Christian scriptures.

In such a sinister environment, believers need to know which books are worth saving for their lives.

For these reasons, people are urged to edit the New Testament canon.

Although it is controversial whether Hebrews, James, 2 Peter and Revelation should be included in the canon, Athanasius includes our current 27 volumes of the New Testament in a letter.

In 1932, Jerome was the protagonist of the damasin conference in Rome, and in 1997, the Carthage conference (Augustine was the protagonist), these 27 volumes of scriptures were unanimously recognized.

From then on, the two parishes in Rome and Africa no longer argued about which books should be in the New Testament Canon, and the New Testament Canon was finally completed.

During the interval between the New Testament and the Old Testament, other Jewish works were circulated.

Pseudoscripture is a general term for some Jewish works from 200 BC to 200 AD.

Some of these works were written in the names of Adam, Enoch, Moses and Ezra, so they are called apocrypha.

Apocrypha appears in the form of traditional stories, enlightening illusions and strange dreams. Its purpose is to help Jews who have experienced great suffering to stick to their beliefs.

Because some of the things recorded in it are bizarre and some of them have obviously wrong teaching, the Jews refused to include them in the Old Testament canon.

Except for the apocryphal classics, there were 14 or 15 volumes of collateral classics circulating at that time, which were written from 200 BC to AD 100, which generally accurately reflected the religious, political and social situation between the two covenants and had many real and valuable lessons.

Because there are mistakes in the truth, such as allowing people to commit suicide, praying for the dead, and historical mistakes, and they themselves do not claim to be divine revelation, neither Judaism nor Christianity (as a whole) accept the side classics as the canon.

However, the Catholic Church has incorporated most of the classics into its canon.

Because the historical process of the 66-volume collection of the Bible involves human aspects, we will think that whether it becomes the canon is decided by human beings, that is to say, it seems that human judgment is the key to formulating the canon.

But this is not the case.

These sixty-six volumes are canon, because they are the revelation of God.

Write it as canon.

The fact that God's people recognize these works as sacred revelations does not in itself make them sacred revelations.

God's revelation is a fact and will not change because of people's identity.

People's recognition is only "formal ratification" and acceptance of canon books already recognized by scattered congregation.

The essence of the New Testament and the Old Testament is that God inspired these books and made them the canon; Under the protection of god, they can be circulated and preserved; God's people, inspired by the Holy Spirit, acknowledge and accept them as the scriptures inspired by God.

The Bible, from its writing to the formation of canon, is the work of God, but only man can achieve it.

Just as the Bible is inspired by God and written by human hands.