Moses pointed at the river with his walking stick, and the river immediately turned into blood. The fish in the river died and stinked everywhere. Egyptians had to dig wells again to get water to drink. But Pharaoh refused.
Moses drowned the frog. Pharaoh promised Moses to save the disaster and let it pass. But the result changed again. Moses struck the dust with his staff, and the dust turned into lice, and flies flew into the houses of the Egyptians, which covered them with sores. Lao Wang still insists on not following.
Then the east wind blew for a day and a night. The east wind brought locusts and ate all the crops. Moses pointed his cane at the sky again, and darkness enveloped the earth for three days and nights. God told Moses that he would bring disaster to the Egyptians again, and asked Moses to tell the Israelites to do as God told them.
The Israelites obeyed God's command. On the 14th day of the first month, they slaughtered the ram as a burnt offering, and painted the blood of the livestock on the doorframe as a sign. Stay at home, eat unleavened bread for seven days, and stop all work. When the Lord did evil, he saw signs and crossed them. This is Israel's Passover.
Wherever the disaster went, the eldest son and firstborn livestock of the Egyptian family died suddenly. Suddenly, there was a cry from Egypt, but the Israelis were safe and sound. Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites leave Egypt.
As soon as the Israelites left Egypt, Pharaoh led his army to follow them. The Israelites were very afraid and complained to Moses, "Why should we disturb the quiet life of serving the Egyptians and bury our lives in the wilderness?" Moses said, "God wants to show the Egyptians his omnipotence and deliberately let them pursue him."
The Lord parted the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to pass smoothly. When the Egyptians chased the middle of the Red Sea, Moses pointed his cane at the Red Sea, and the seawater merged and drowned the Egyptians. When Israel saw the signs that the Lord had done, they feared God and obeyed Moses.
When the Israelites arrived in Shur, they could not find water for three days. When we arrived in Mara, the water there was bitter. People complained about Moses, and God instructed Moses to throw a tree into the water, and the water became sweet.
The food ran out on the way, and people complained about Moses. God sends down a small white ball from the sky every morning. People eat until they are full, but they can't eat it the next day. Is this manna?
The Lord brought quails every night, and the Israelites got enough food. On the sixth day, they will get two days' food, because God rested on the seventh day.
Israel is insatiable, and there are always disputes. Moses handled their affairs from morning till night. His father-in-law came to Moses from Midian and suggested that he let people know God's law and choose capable people who fear God to help him. Moses took the advice of his father-in-law.
Moses led people forward. Moses' tent was far from the crowd, and he set up a tent in the wilderness to meet the Lord. People can see the cloud column above the tent in the distance.
Moses went up to Mount Sinai and did not eat or drink for forty days and nights. He accepted God's commandments and carved God's Ten Commandments on a slate. He came down from the mountain with a slate, his face shining.
When Moses came down from the mountain, the Israelites sinned again. They made a golden calf to worship.
Moses climbed to the top of Pisgah, and the Lord showed him the promised land, saying, "This is the land I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; I will give this land to your descendants, but you will not go there. "
Moses, the servant of the Lord, died in the land of Moab. When he died, he was 120 years old, his eyes were not dim and his spirit was not declining. Israel mourned in the land of Moab for thirty days.
Extended data
Moses was the early leader of the Hebrews and the most important figure in Judaism. He grew up in the court of the Egyptian Pharaoh and then led the Hebrews out of Egypt. It is said that Moses talked with God. His story is recorded in Exodus. Moses' childhood story comes from Exodus.
In the book, the Egyptian Pharaoh issued a decree that all Hebrew baby boys would be drowned at birth, which is similar to the story of romulus, the founder of Rome, his twin brother remus and Sagon I, king of Sumer. Moses' mother hid her newborn baby for three months and then put it in a wicker basket in the Nile Valley. The baby began to cry and was rescued by a daughter of Pharaoh.
Miriam, Moses' sister, saw Pharaoh's daughter holding the child. Miriam went up to the princess and asked her if she would like to find a Hebrew wet nurse for her child. After the princess agreed, Miriam went to see Master Liu. Moses grew up in the palace and was the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, but when he grew up, he went to visit his people.
When he saw a supervisor beating the Hebrews, he witnessed the Hebrews being beaten and killed the Egyptian. Knowing that Moses was the murderer, Pharaoh ordered him to be put to death. Moses fled to Midian, where he married Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro, and their son was Gershon.
Moses returned to Egypt, seeking to release the Hebrews and bring them to Canaan, which was the result of what God said to him in the thorns. When Pharaoh refused to release the Hebrews, Egypt suffered ten plagues, and the last one was to kill the eldest son. Then Pharaoh told Moses that he could take the Hebrews.
Then he changed his mind and asked his men to follow Moses into the Red Sea or the Reed Sea, which was one of Moses' miracles. During the forty years from Egypt to Canaan, Moses accepted the Ten Commandments of God on Mount Sinai. When Moses talked with God for 40 days, his followers made a golden calf. God was angry and wanted to kill them, but Moses dissuaded him.
However, when Moses saw the real prank, he was very angry. He threw out two stone tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments and broke them. It is not clear what Moses did to accept the punishment, but God told Moses that he didn't trust him enough, so Moses would never enter Canaan.
Moses climbed Mount Abarim to see Canaan, but that's where he arrived. Moses chose Joshua as his successor. /kloc-At the age of 0/20, Moses climbed Mount Nebo and died after the Hebrews entered the promised land. Manito, an Egyptian historian in Ptolemaic times, mentioned Moses.
There are other later historical documents in Joseph, Philo, Apen, Strappo, Tacitus and Porphyry. These do not constitute scientific evidence for the existence of Moses or the occurrence of Exodus. Moses sometimes had horns on his head. Knowledge of Hebrew will help here, because the word horn seems to be another translation of Moses' sparkling appearance after going down the mountain.
In Exodus 34, Mount Sinai follows his dialogue with God. I just want you to know that in fact, it is very clear why Moses was punished. God told Moses to talk to the rock, and water flowed out of the rock. On the contrary, Moses went beyond the requirements of the Lord.
Before 735 BC, any descendant of Abraham was arbitrarily identified as a Jew and established a divided monarch, or the Bible said before the Sixteenth King that this was completely wrong and inappropriate, and the Hebrews were Israelis. An alliance of twelve tribes made up of Abraham's descendants. All Jews are Hebrews, but not all Hebrews are Jews.
At the beginning, Jews were all tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the nationalization of a few priests, Levites, was itself a divided monarchy. As Jews, ten tribes of Israel left and lived in Samaria, retaining their Hebrew identity until they dissolved the conflict and Assyrian immigrants in 735-72 1 BC.
At the end of the biography of Moses, this article says that Moses lost his faith. In the modern context, losing confidence usually means that we no longer believe in God, have left our religion and become agnostic, atheist and so on. This uncertainty shows that he is no longer suitable to lead the people as the messenger of God. Moses is one of the most important figures in ancient history.
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