A representative figure of pan-Arabism

The main representatives of Arab nationalism are: abdul rahman kavak, Mustafa Kamil Pasha, Assad zaghloul (also translated as "Chairman"), Sadie Husri, etc. Saad Zagrug (also translated as "Chairul") is the leader of the Egyptian independence movement and the founder of the Waffle Party. Born into a peasant family, he studied at Azhar University in his early years, then at Paris University. After returning to China, he worked as a newspaper editor and participated in the anti-British uprising led by Olabi.

After World War I, Britain implemented the colonial protection system in Egypt, at which time his nationalism thought made a leap. He believes that Egypt must be politically independent and economically autonomous. On this premise, British troops can be stationed in the Suez Canal area. His position was supported by two ethnic political parties (the National Party and the Motherland Party) at that time. The Waffle Party led by him is a nationalist party in Egypt, and its platform is to demand Egypt's complete political independence. Saad 1 Zagrug is considered as a symbol of Egyptian nationalism and independence movement. Sati Husri is called "the spiritual father of Arab nationalism". He was born into a Syrian family in Yemen, and received traditional Islamic education since childhood, and then received education in France, Switzerland and Belgium. In his long life journey, he has been trying to combine the nationalism of Germany (especially Fichte) with the thought of Arab philosopher Ibn Herreton, so as to improve his pan-Arabism. Although he was influenced by liberalism, he was essentially a nationalist.