Rhythm division of the order for sending horses to Dongyang:
I was fond of learning when I was young. The family was poor and had no way to read the book, so every time it was borrowed from the house where the book was collected, and he would write it down by hand and count the days to return it. The weather is extremely cold, the ink stone is hard, and the fingers cannot be bent or stretched, so don't be lazy. After recording, leave/send him off, not daring/to exceed the appointment. Therefore, many people spend their spare time reading books, and I can read all kinds of books.
Having been crowned (guān), I admire the way of the sages. I am also worried that there are no masters and famous people who travel with me. I tend to go hundreds of miles away and follow the pioneers in my hometown to hold scriptures and ask questions. Xianda/Delong Wangzun, a disciple/who filled his room, did not even drop his words.
I stand waiting on the left and right, asking for questions, leaning over to ask questions; or when I encounter someone yelling (chì) and duō (duō), I become more respectful and courteous. I dare not say a word to reply; as soon as (sì) / he is happy, I will ask him again. Therefore, although I am stupid, I still have something to learn.
When I followed my teacher, I walked deep in the mountains and valleys with my bag on my back and my yè on my back. In the harsh winter, strong winds and heavy snowfalls were several feet deep, and the skin of the feet was chapped and unknown. At the end of the house, the four limbs are stiff and unable to move. The yìng person holds the soup and fertilizes it, and covers it with quilt (qīn). After a long time, it becomes harmonious. Staying in the opposite direction, the host eats again and again every day, and does not enjoy the taste of fresh fat.
The students living in the same room are all embroidered with (pī) Qi (qǐ), wearing hats decorated with Zhuying (yīng) jewels, a white jade ring on the waist, a sword on the left, and a smelly face on the right. Yeran is like a god; Yu is wearing a robe and wearing clothes, and there is no sense of admiration. Those who have enough happiness in the middle do not know that the worship of words and bodies is not as good as others. Gai / Yu Zhi / Diligence and difficulty are like this.
I loved learning when I was young. Because his family was poor and could not get books to read, he often borrowed books from people who collected them, copied them by hand, and agreed on a date to return them. When the weather was extremely cold, the water in the inkstone froze into solid ice and I couldn't bend or extend my fingers. I still couldn't relax reading. After copying, return it to others as soon as possible without exceeding the agreed time limit.
So most people are willing to lend me books, so I can read all kinds of books. After he reached adulthood, he admired the teachings of sages even more, and suffered from the inability to interact with knowledgeable teachers and celebrities. He once walked (ran) hundreds of miles away, holding scriptures in hand, to seek advice from his fellow villagers. The senior was highly respected, his room was crowded with students, and his words and attitude were never tactful.
I stood by his side, raising questions, asking questions, and asking him for advice. Sometimes when I was scolded by him, my expression became more respectful and polite, and I did not dare to reply a word. ; When he is happy, he will ask him for advice again. So even though I was stupid, I still learned a lot in the end.
When I was looking for a teacher, I carried a bookcase on my back and stepped on the heels of my shoes, walking in the deep mountains and valleys. In the severe winter, the wind was biting and the snow was several feet deep, and my feet and skin were frozen. I don’t even know if it’s cracked.
When I arrived at the school, my limbs were stiff and I couldn't move. The servants poured hot water on me and covered me with a quilt. It took a long time to warm me up. Living in a hotel, I ate two meals a day, and there was no fresh, tender and delicious food to enjoy.
The students in the same dormitory are all wearing brocade clothes, hats with red hatbands and treasures, white jade rings hanging around their waists, knives on the left and sachets on the right, which are bright and bright. , like gods and men; but I was wearing old cotton robes and rags among them, without any envy.
Because there are things in my heart that make me happy, I don’t feel that the enjoyment of food and clothing is not as good as others. My hard work and hardship are probably like this.