Buju is from Songs of the South, which is said to be written by Qu Yuan. In fact, it is a legend recorded by Chu people in order to mourn Qu Yuan after his death. It tells the story of Qu's exile because of loyalty and righteousness, shows the dark corruption of society, and reflects Qu Yuan's indignation and dissatisfaction.
It eulogized his fighting spirit of sticking to the truth and unwilling to go with the flow. It is a unique style formed on the basis of Chu folk songs, and it is also a masterpiece to mourn Qu Yuan.
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Buju is one of Chu Ci poems written by Chu people represented by Qu Yuan during the Warring States Period. It is a unique style based on Chu folk songs, with strong local characteristics of "writing Chu language, writing Chu sound, gathering Chu land and promoting Chu objects".
Qu Yuan created his body, followed by Song Yu, Le Tang and Jing Ke. There were a lot of imitations in Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiang compiled Songs of the South in the Western Han Dynasty. Therefore, "Songs of the South" is not only the name of a poetic form.
It is also the name of a book of poems. The meaning of "not living" is to predict how you should behave and how to behave. The legend was written by Qu Yuan, but it is actually a work of Chu people mourning Qu Yuan.