Love is like words, the road is like shapes, and great men are like voices. Relive the magnificence in Xiajin for nine days; A Guo pen reproduces prosperity. Seven rank vicissitudes of life, five weather, Ben Ma Shu's purpose is uneven. Singing high, the dragon and phoenix are fragrant, and the neon is transpiration. Who is so affectionate to help countless teenagers go to Luming Literature? Look at the wave-making philosophers, guide criticism, take the cloud as the guide, and cough crystal clear. In charge of Ge Qicai, the article is too defensive, and every industry has thousands of lines. Peach and plum smile, comfort the source of living water, not the old gardener.
Celebration is a special educational activity of school education management. It is a celebration organized by teachers and students, famous alumni and related people at a specific time. Celebration is often chosen as a major celebration day of the school. Often choose the school's founding date or the day when the school has major activities. The general celebration refers to the day when the school was founded or completed. The general habit is to celebrate once every five years and once every ten years on the anniversary.
Through the celebration, all famous alumni were invited to return to school, which brought reverence and love to the alma mater and teachers, and also brought back the social benefits of running a school. All these will inspire students in school and promote the improvement of teachers and leaders in running schools and management. The establishment of these campus knowledge is conducive to our understanding of the school anniversary, but also allows graduates to return to school.
University anniversary day
The anniversary of the school is usually based on the date when the school was established, but there are exceptions. Peking University, for example, designated May 4th as the anniversary day. Some colleges and universities will also set the day after the name change as the anniversary day, for example, the college will be upgraded to a university.