Who are the famous musicians in the world?
world famous musician: Handel George Frideric Handel(1685-1759), the famous British German composer wolfgang amadeus mozart (1756-1791), Mozart was an outstanding Austrian composer. Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-189), born in Salzburg to a court musician, is a famous Austrian composer and the earliest representative of the Viennese classical school. Gioacchinorossini (1792 ~ 1868), one of the three outstanding Italian operas in the first half of the 19th century, was one of the greatest musicians in modern times: LudwigVanBeethovon (177 ~ 1827). Born in a civilian family in Bonn, Germany, his father was a singer in a church choir. F. Mendelssohn (189-1847) was a German composer. Born into a banker's family. Schubert (F. Schubert, 1797-1828) was an Austrian composer. Born into a teacher's family in Vienna. GiuseppeVerdi,1813~191 ~ 191) was a great Italian composer. Chopin (F.F.Chopin 181—1849), a Polish composer and pianist, was born in busetto, Parma Province. On March 1, 181, Chopin was born in the suburb of Warsaw. Charles Francois Gounod (1818—1893), a French composer, was born in Paris and studied under Allevi Schumann at the Paris Conservatory of Music. Since childhood, he has shown many talents such as music, poetry and drama.