Singing: Ikimono Gakari
Album: My Song Your Song
Lyrics: Mizuno Yoshiki
Music: Mizuno Yoshiki
Arranged by Jiang Kaoliang
Full text of lyrics:
Bahata iittala? Mo? Do you still remember me tte
You said you wouldn't come back by flapping your wings.
"したのはぃぁの". Eyes point.
Me? za? Stone pagoda? No? wa? Aoi sora? Aoi sora? Arnold? So ra
What you are staring at is the blue sky.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Ka na Shi mi wa? horse Da ao e bo
You can't remember sadness.
Let's talk about this first.
se? Suna Savai? horse Zimika Haji, me, him
So I began to capture the pain.
What is it to me? No? Hey? jou? Health officer
This feeling of yours
Today, it is said that leaves have been replaced by leaves.
Me? horse Ke Duiba Caniwate? cool
Now it has been replaced by words.
Unknown world, dream, eyes, eyes.
Michinaru? se? Kay? No yu me ka ra me? za? Wote
Wake up from the unknown world in a dream.
Hello, I'm going to Bitazu
Spread your wings and fly
Bahata iittala? Mo? Please don't forget.
You said you wouldn't come back by flapping your wings.
Eyes refer to the blank space of "したのはぃぁの"
Me? za? Shita no wa? Aoi sora? aoi ano sora
What you are staring at is the blue sky.
I don't know what to do, but I don't know what to do.
I think you will know.
You know, as long as you can cross, you can find what you are looking for.
Let's talk about it
How does Fu Riji say?
So just break free.
ぃぃぁの ぃぃぁの ぃぁの ぃぃぁの ぃぁの の ぃぁぁぁの の
AOI AOI ano sora AOI AOI ano sora AOI AOI ano sora
Towards the blue sky, blue sky, blue sky, blue sky.
Song introduction
"Jade Bird" is the title song of the first single album "ブルーバード" by Ikimono Gakari 10, and was later used as the title song of the animated film "The Story of Naruto Storm" (274 episodes to 297 episodes). Naruto is the second part of TV animation Naruto, which is based on the cartoon created by Kishimoto Masashi.