The Babylonian Epic "Gilgamesh"
"The Epic of Gilgamesh" (The Epic of Gilgamesh) is the oldest heroic epic in the known world. It had been circulated orally among the Sumerians thousands of years ago. After thousands of years of processing and adaptation, it was finally passed down in written form during the ancient Babylonian Kingdom.
The creation date can be traced back to around the 20th century BC. But the material on the clay tablets recording the epic is undoubtedly much older
The epic is composed of many originally independent plots that did not exist when the poem was written, but they were compiled and It has existed for a long time before being woven into a whole.
Many different versions of the epic have been found in the ancient Near East, most dating to around the 7th century BC. A more complete version comes from the library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh.
This is a hymn about Gilgamesh, the lord who ruled the city-state of Uruk in ancient Mesopotamia. Although this is a work with nearly 1/3 missing, it is still incomplete. In the remaining 2,000 lines of the poem, we can still feel the Sumerians' admiration and praise for their great hero.