Illustration Synthesis —— How to synthesize classic ink figure illustrations with photoshop

This course introduces the design method of the most popular trend art illustration in recent years. The design style of this kind of pictures is very individual. In the production, some splash and highlight elements are used to decorate the characters to show the dynamic and artistic feeling of the picture. Coupled with the unique tone, the picture looks more personalized. Some materials in the tutorial need to be downloaded online by yourself. Final effect

First, make a mask of a girl's photo. Click the button in the circle and you will get a white square in the photo layer. Then, use the black pen tool or brush tool to erase the background. Please make sure that you are dealing with the white box, not the photo itself. )

Step 2: Adjust the hue/saturation of the image, and drag the middle anchor point to the gray area to make the model gray. Another simpler method is to hold down CMD+Shift+U (CTRL key in PC is usually the same as cmd key in Mac). Create a new blank layer and put it at the bottom. Perform a new layer of fill coating solid color on it. Adjust the size of the model photo. Through adjustment, I slightly reduced the photo to make it more suitable for the work. The shortcut key for resizing is cmd+T. (In the state of resizing, try to hold down shift, ctrl or cmd occasionally to get different effects. )

Third, copy the layer. Perform layer copy layer (model layer), or press cmd+J, and then perform layer creation and clipping mask. Now there should be a small arrow on the top floor pointing to the lower floor.

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Fourth, process the top layer. Perform image adjustment shadows/highlights. Click the checkbox Show More Options, then change the number of shadows to 100 and adjust the midtone contrast to-100. Then use the filter to blur Gaussian blur, and the radius value is about 3.0. Then change the blending mode from normal to bright. The Opacity check box is next to the blending mode, and make sure that its value is 70%. In addition, in this clipping mask layer, cover the face with a mask to make the face less blurred. If all your steps are correct, it will look like the picture below.

5. Copy the model layer at the bottom and put it at the top, then set it as a clipping mask. Then, perform image adjustment shadow/highlight at the top level. Refer to the parameters in the figure below, and finally brighten in the mixed mode.

Sixth, copy the top level. This time, only the right hand of the model is used to cover the rest. Then perform image adjustment curve. If the adjusted appearance is not as white as you want, change the blending mode to light color. Copy the layer on the right. Select two right-hand layers at the same time and merge them by performing layer merging. Set this layer as a clipping mask.

Seven, set the background to black. Double-click the layer, select color overlay, double-click the red square, and select black. Open your splash picture in another window, and then select a color range. When you have the desired selection, click OK. In many cases, what you don't want is selected in this constituency, so perform selection inversion to correct it. Now, drag the splash picture into our work window. Convert the picture to grayscale by executing cmd+shift+u, and repeat step 7 to make it whiter.

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Eight, use the mask to correct the splash and make it coordinate with the model's boots. In addition, this layer should be placed at the top, not in the clipping mask of the model. Then according to your own wishes, use a splash brush to smear around. Use different transparencies in different places to get a good light feeling after mixing. In addition, you can add some other special brushes. It should be noted that these operations are all carried out in the mask. Remember: the two model layers should always be at the top, and so far, everything else we put in should be at the bottom. Now let's add some splash. Insert a new splash screen picture, or copy a previous picture.

Nine, use a splash brush to add different colors to different layers.

10. Create a new layer on the background layer and draw a triangle with the lasso tool. When the triangle selection is activated, use a brush to smear outside the selection to achieve such a cool effect.

Eleven, go back to the white background layer again, and add more gray in the middle. Double-click the layer and set the following parameters.

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Twelve, add more splash, but this time draw behind the model layer, not on the mask. Draw some triangles and circles. I added purple to triangles and white to circles, and reduced their opacity. You can also find these graphics in the palette of the shape tool. Create a line with the lasso tool, make it exist in the line made in the previous background, and then move it up slightly. In this way, you get additional effects. In this line, I used purple, and the opacity was reduced to 5%.

Thirteen, put some balls at work, or other things you like. I put some of my little things in Illustrator and added some effects with grid tools. Then, I pasted them into Photoshop and changed its blending mode to a color filter. Draw some shadows behind these things with a brush. In addition, you can also tone these shadows with white.

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Fourteen, light effect. I will show you how to make those lighting effects. However, this is just a cursory look, and it takes a little practice to master it yourself.

Make some twinkling stars and polish their white parts, which will make them really shine. Finally, add something simple.

16. Check your image carefully and look for those unnatural places. My hands are a little strange at the moment. Create a new layer and put it on the clipping mask of the model. Draw the edge of the hand with a white brush to make it look sweet. Next is the final product!

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PS Synthesizing a Classic Ink-and-wash Character Illustration Skills Before synthesizing ink-and-wash style pictures, a large number of ink-and-wash materials and brushes need to be collected. When synthesizing, these materials need to be gradually integrated into the theme. After the general frame is determined, you can modify the details and render the overall color.

Final effect

& lt click on the small picture to see the big picture >

1. Create a blank document in photoshop tutorial with the size set to 1000× 1000.

Px. Create a new layer, select the gradient tool, select the radial gradient as the gradient type, and pull the gradient from #ffffff to #677faf from the center to the edge.

2. Set the opacity of the layer to 50%.

3. Pull the beautiful model out of the background and drag it into the document we created.

4. Create a new curve adjustment layer, set it as the cutting mask of the model layer, and adjust the red channel and blue channel respectively.

How to synthesize classical ink and wash character illustrations with photoshop? 1. Create a blank document with the size of 1000× 1000px. Create a new layer, select the gradient tool, select radial gradient as gradient type, and pull the gradient from #ffffff to #677faf from the center to the edge.

Secondly, set the opacity of the layer to 50%.

Third, pull the beautiful model out of the background and drag it into the document we created.

4. Create a new curve adjustment layer, set it as the cutting mask of the model layer, and adjust the red channel and blue channel respectively.

Fifth, add hue/saturation adjustment layer to the model layer.

6. After loading, add a mask to the model layer and draw it on the leg and right arm of the model, and try to show the random effect with different brushes.

Seven, in order to show more ink effects, we create a new layer, set the foreground color to black, and draw it on the model's head and legs with an ink brush. In this process, you can use the eraser tool to erase the unnecessary parts.

Eight, open the ink texture material, drag it into our document, adjust the size, angle and proportion, and move the material below the model layer.