"The Shell" is a poem written by O.E. Mandels-tam. Basic introduction Title of work: Shell Foreign name: shell Creation year: 20th century Literary genre: Poetry Author: Mandels-tam Mandels-tam (O.E. Mandels-tam) (1891-1938) is an important Russian Akmeist Representative, considered one of the greatest Russian poets of the twentieth century. Published poetry collections include "Rocks", "Melancholy", "Collected Poems", "Moscow Notes", "Voronezh Notes", etc. Shell Poem Perhaps it is not you who needs me. One night, from the abyss of the universe, a shell without pearls, I was thrown onto your shore. You rub the foam indifferently, use the spray, you only care about yourself and stubbornly sing, but you will love it, and you will evaluate the lies told to you by this useless shell. Shell, you will cling to it, lying on your back on the beach, still wrapped in your original dress, you will be connected to it, it is difficult to separate, by the loud bells played by the waves.
So, a shell with a crispy outer wall is like a hut with an empty heart, 'filled with you, with murmuring bubbles, with the breeze, with the drizzle, with the sea mist...