Does anyone know why God created men and women?

First of all, in the first half of Genesis 26, God said that we should make man in our image and in our likeness. Make people in our image, and then make people in our image. In verse 27, God created human beings in his own image, but he created men and women in his own image. Here we refer to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity God. It is clear that the creator of heaven and earth is the Father, but the Son and the Holy Spirit have also made creative work together. When man is made of dust, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are also with the Father.

The reason why God created man is to get a real child, but father and child should be alike, called "father", so of course father and child should be alike, so when he created man, he was created in the image of God.

And the reason why God created man is to receive praise. As Isaiah 43:2 1, I made this people for myself to tell my virtue. But the human body structure is the best form of praising God. I can open my mouth to praise God, I can easily raise my hand to God, I can move my feet and dance. A structure suitable for glorifying God, as it is now.

People can only look up at the sky in the present image. But can livestock look at the sky like people? No, what shape the rainbow takes and where the clouds float. Livestock don't need to know this, and they don't want to know it. Because domestic animals crawl on four feet, it is easier to look at the ground than the sky. They often look for food on the ground. They often look for food. They also want to see if there is an enemy attack. Col. 3: 2 So now, set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.

Because people are created to look up, look for and miss the things above, they can't see the ground or the things on the land. Since the structure of the body, livestock and people have been created in different dimensions. From the structure of the body, we can know that domestic animals are below the human dimension. This result means that all livestock are at people's feet.

On the other hand, God gave birds wings that they didn't have, but it wasn't like that. Birds are higher than human beings. Even if birds have wings, they are in charge of people.

Then angels have hands and feet. Why create wings for them? This is through angels who can walk and fly, indicating that there is an omnipotent god. Man can't fly, just to know that man exists under God. Angels are better than people in appearance, but they are better than people because they have no humanity, that is, no free will. In this way, God created everything in righteousness.

When God created mankind, it was not just an appearance created in the image of God. If the appearance is the shell, then the spirit is given by God, and the spirit is also given by God. Behold Gen 2:7 The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul. ) Being angry here is God's fundamental ability. God blows life into the nostrils of people made of dust and becomes a living soul. The first man Adam did not belong to the body, but became a living spirit, that is, a living soul. Adam's children born on this earth and his descendants planted a spirit in the sixth month of pregnancy, that is, when they were pregnant, they planted a spirit in the sixth month. The correct statement is to sow spirit in the core of the heart with the seeds of life. So not only Adam, but all the spirits of Adam's descendants turned out to be given by God.

At this time, everyone should remember that people's appearance is also like the image of God, and the spirit inside is also from God. So everyone should know how noble they are. I said in Psalm 82:6 that you are gods, and you are all sons of the Most High. But many people lack the image of this sacred god. Although there are reasons for natural original sin, but because I also committed a crime. Jn. 1: 3:8 The first sentence says that those who sin belong to the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. Satan, the enemy, confuses people and wants them to commit crimes and lose the image of God anyway. What makes people commit crimes is the actions of the enemy devil Satan, and because there are still elements of crime in their hearts, they will obey the devil and become slaves and children of the devil, so they have nothing to do with God.

Although you say you believe it, you are lying. According to the Bible, this is a lie. We are listening to John now. Isn't it also said in it? If the truth is in my heart, I will never commit a crime. Only the knowledge of the mind can understand the truth. If you don't keep it in mind, it won't be realized in your heart. If you realize it in your mind, then someone will hit you on the right face or even the left face. But it's not like God says not to commit adultery, so if you look at a woman with lust in her heart, you commit adultery. That's what the Bible says, but when you look at a woman, you imagine and commit adultery. This is all very bad behavior. God hates unhappiness very much.

Anyway, let people commit crimes and lose the image of God, so let them imitate the spirit of darkness. But look at the second half of John 1: 3:8, saying that the Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil. This altar is also trying very hard to destroy the devil's work. Those who preach on the stage should also try to destroy the devil's works.

Jesus, the son of God, came to this earth to prevent people created in the image of God from imitating the devil.

And in order to forgive their sins and become children of God, Jesus himself became a sin offering to atone for all the sins of sinners, and the Holy Spirit came to the hearts of those who accepted Jesus Christ to help restore the image of God. Gal 4:6 Since you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his son into your hearts, calling ABBA, Father. Gal 4:7 So, from now on, you are not a slave, but a son. As a son, he relies on God as his heir. As the son of God, you can go to heaven. Father God is willing to give God's inheritance to all people. Therefore, he sacrificed his only son Jesus and sent the Holy Spirit. Father God first gives great love so that sinners can get eternal life and enter the kingdom of heaven.

Gal 4: 19 The apostle Paul also said, Little children, I will suffer childbirth for you again until Christ is formed in your hearts. As a shepherd, I try my best to help our saints imitate the Father and the Lord.

How does God feel when he sees the first person? Created in the image of God, Adam is very much like God, just like words that don't hurt in the eyes. Adam is extremely loved by God. What's more, the father god suffered a lot because of the betrayal of Lucifer who had given him a lot of love before. For such a father god, Adam created a beautiful and lovely existence in his own image. God is willing to give love to Adam and get love from Adam. God is willing to take comfort from Adam and see him at peace and rest. There are only many obedient angels and cherubim around God the Father, but what God really wants is love and comfort from Adam, who was created in the image of God.

God is looking for such children to cultivate human beings in this land. God is looking for such a person. The most important thing to enter the new Jerusalem is to have an unchanging heart, abandon the fickle heart, abandon the fickle heart, and then the treacherous heart will be abandoned, and the betrayed heart will also be abandoned. The Covenant made before God must be kept, and the Covenant made between people must also be kept, that is, there is no fickle heart.

God is willing to communicate with Adam to the fullest through Adam's praise, and is willing to restore the trauma and emptiness in his heart from Lucifer. How can the Father God create Adam in such expectation and love, and let him live on this earth immediately after creating him? Meat parents will not put their newborn children in this world. After receiving the education of love, the heavenly father knows very well what kind of human cultivation Adam will receive on this earth in the future. During human farming, it takes a very painful and difficult time to experience sadness, pain, illness, parting and death.

God created man in his own image, which is not only the spirit of man's appearance, but also from God. The spirit given by God will never be destroyed. Even if a person dies and his body decays, the spirit given to him will not disappear, so the soul that cannot be saved will be thrown into the eternal fire of hell. On the contrary, the soul who believes in the forgiveness of Jesus Christ's sins and the unity of the Holy Spirit will be saved and live in the kingdom of heaven forever. According to how to restore people's image and imitate God's heart, the residence of the eternal kingdom of heaven is different.