Only people will abandon God.
But sin will separate man from God.
Therefore, people should leave their sins behind.
At death
You'll feel safe.
You know, God is welcoming you.
It's just that you left this world.
Back to my hometown in heaven.
Some people spread articles to slander Christianity's belief in knowledge. The following clarification: groups.msn/jlovem/page19. msnw? . action = get message & ampmview = 0 & ampID_Message=2592. Finally, there were as many as 3,000 articles on the following websites modified = 4675472789 18763628. We provide you with the correct meaning of Christian faith. Groups.msn/jlovem/page.msnw's content: biblical prophecy, scenes of heaven and hell, personal witness, biblical scientific witness, archaeological argument, answers to doubts about Christian faith, creationism vs. evolution theory.
Matthew10bintl/bible/b5niv/b5nivmat1032 whoever confesses me before people, I will confess him before my father in heaven. Whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. Luke 9: 26 Whoever regards me and my word as shameful, when the Son of Man comes in his own glory and the glory of the Father and the holy angels, he will also regard that person as shameful. There is a credible saying in 1 Timothy 2bbintl/Bible/B5niv/B5niv2ti211that if we die with Christ, we will live with him. If we can stand it, we will rule with him. If we deny him, he will deny us. +02.50089.000060060606
According to the bible. Anyone who believes that God/God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to the world, was crucified for our sins, washed away our sins with his blood, reconciled us with God/God, and believed that he would be resurrected three days after his death. Now he will sit at the right hand of Almighty Father God and accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior, that is, he will be saved with God/God forever after his death.
Don't! Because it says 2008-12-0219: 28:15 that the Lord will be with us.
If you believe in God, God won't leave you after you die.
Reference: I think
In fact, the Bible gave us the answer early in the morning. Anyone who believes that Jesus was born and lived in the world, was crucified for our sins, reconciled us with God, and believed that he sat on the throne three days after his death and accepted Jesus as his personal savior, that is, he would be with God forever after his death. On the other hand, you can't be with God.