What should I do if I can't read the notation? How to learn?

In the notation system, the relative height of sound is represented by seven Arabic numerals. The relationship between these sounds is full tone except for 3 4 and 7 i semitones.

Label: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i

Singing method: do ri mi fa sol las do

Adding a dot at the top of the note means singing an octave higher, and adding two dots means singing two octaves higher; On the contrary, adding a dot below means singing an octave lower, and adding two dots means singing an octave lower.

In order to accurately represent the absolute height of sound, key signature mark should be applied. The key signature mark is represented by 1=F, 1 = g, etc.

All bets with dots: 1-

Dotted binary note: 1-

Dotted line quartered note: 1.

Dotted line eight notes: 1.

Dotted line sixteenth note: 1.

The basic symbol of sound pause is 0. To indicate pauses of different lengths, you can mark them by increasing the number of zeros and adding a connection point to the right of the zero. The rest are commonly used as follows:

Complete rest: 00000 Appendix Complete rest: 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dichotomy rest: 0 0 Dichotomy rest with dot: 0 0 0

Rest at four o'clock: 0 with four o'clock rest: 0.

Eight rest: 0 with eight rest: 0.

Sixteen-point rest: 0, plus sixteen-point rest: 0.

32-point rest: 0 (there are three horizontal lines below) 32-point rest: 0 (there are three horizontal lines below)

Transposition in notation is very simple, just change the key signature. For example, if a tune in C major is to be moved up two degrees, change 1=C to1= d.

In notation, only three phonetic symbols are used: ascending (#), descending (b) and reduction, but ascending (×) and descending (bb) are not used.

In order to avoid the confusion of points representing staccato and treble, staccato is represented by ▽ or ▼ in simple spectrum.