The Duke of Zhou vomited, and the world returned to his heart from the poem A Short Song by Cao Mengde, a statesman, strategist, writer and poet in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The words "Duke of Zhou" are the crowning touch, clear and vivid. I hope passers-by will come to me and point out the main idea of the whole poem.
As for the allusion of Duke Zhou's spitting, it is said that Duke Zhou himself said: the son of King Wen, the brother of King Wen, and the uncle of King Cheng; I am also in the world, and I am not a light in the world. However, if you hold your hair three times, vomit three times and feed it three times, you will still be afraid of losing the world. This also expressed the poet's mood at that time.
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A great man will return to the heart of the world, and those who return to the heart of the world must first tolerate everything. Tolerance can dissolve mistakes. Just like the endless sea, the sediment in the river can be deposited and gradually accumulated into an oasis full of vitality.
Fa Zheng went back to Shu with Liu Bei, saying that "the virtue of a meal will be rewarded, and the revenge of a game will be rewarded", and he tried his best to make those who had enemies with him get retribution, so he attracted resentment. Someone complained to Zhuge Liang, hoping to curb the arrogance of the law with Zhuge Liang's prestige. Zhuge Liang carefully planned the punishment for Shu and adopted a tolerant attitude towards his arrogance.