This old tree has a history of thousands of years.
Flourishing and flourishing.
Zhuang Zhou knows I use it,
Li Er knows me.
Zhuangzi and his disciples came to the foot of a mountain, and saw a big tree, flourishing, standing beside the stream, which was particularly conspicuous. But see this tree: 100 feet thick, thousands of feet high, pointing to the sky; Its crown is as wide as a giant umbrella and can cover more than ten acres of land. Zhuangzi couldn't help asking the lumberjack, "Excuse me, master, why isn't anyone cutting such a big piece of wood?" Even for thousands of years. The woodcutter seemed to disdain the tree and said, "What's so strange about this? This tree is useless wood. Used as a ship, submerged in water; Used as a coffin, it will rot quickly; When used as a vessel, it is easy to be damaged; If used as doors and windows, grease will not dry; If used as a pillar, it is vulnerable to insect erosion and is unproductive wood. Wood that is not made of materials is useless, so it can have such a long life. "
Hearing this, Zhuangzi said to his disciples, "This tree is useless because it is not made of materials. Is it useless to do nothing but do something for yourself? " Disciple suddenly realized and nodded. Zhuangzi also said: "The tree is useless, it does not seek merit, and it is free from axe chopping; Cows with white foreheads, pigs with kangman and people with hemorrhoids are considered ominous by wizards, so the river god will not throw them into the river; When recruiting, disabled people will not be recruited, so that they can live their own lives. If you are physically disabled, you can still stay healthy and save lives, not to mention those who are physically disabled. If a tree doesn't grow well, it will avoid disaster; People can't be talented, but they can also protect themselves. " Zhuang Zi became more and more excited. Finally, he said, "the mountain wood is self-defeating; Fry yourself on fire. Guangxi is edible, so cut it; Paint can be used, so cut it. Everyone who is useful knows that everyone who is useless doesn't know. "