At dusk, officials arrested people at night. The old man climbed over the wall and left, while the old woman went out to watch. Why are officials angry? Why do women cry? After listening to his wife, he said, "Three men are guarding Yecheng. One man attached a book, and two men died. Those who drag out an ignoble existence are dead! There is no one in the room, only a baby and a grandson. And grandma didn't go, and there was no skirt in and out. Although an old woman is weak, please come back at night. I'm in a hurry to wait in the river, and I have to prepare breakfast. " The night is long and silent, like crying and choking. Dawn will rise into the future, leaving the old man alone.
Appreciation: Li Shihao is one of Du Fu's poems "Three Officials" and "Three Farewells". Together with the history of Xin 'an Li and Tongguan, the "three officials" were formed. In the spring of the second year of Gan Yuan (759), 48-year-old Du Fu suffered a setback in his career and was demoted to Huazhou Secretariat to join the army. At that time, the "An Shi Rebellion" had not yet been settled, so
Li Shihao is a true record of local officials arresting people at night when the poet passed by Shihao Village. By describing the people's unfortunate experiences, this poem shows the cruelty of the rulers and fully illustrates the great disaster brought by the war to the working people.
The whole poem can be divided into three parts according to what happened.
The first part, "At dusk, officials arrested people at night. The old man climbed over the wall and the old woman went out to see "is the beginning of the matter, explaining the time, place and person when it happened;" "From" I get angry when an official shouts! "Why bother if a woman cries!" The second part is "it's better to prepare for cooking in the morning than to be in a hurry", with a total of 16 sentences, which is the complaint of the old woman in a hurry; The last part is the last four sentences of the poem, ending things.
The first two sentences outline the chaotic and turbulent social environment at that time with "tiger catching people" (reading Du Xinjie by Qilong in Qingpu), and the word "dusk" not only indicates that it happened at night, but also adds a touch of darkness to the whole article. The whole thing started because "officials arrested people at night". On hearing the noise, the old man immediately climbed over the wall and left, while the old woman came forward to cry. Therefore, it plays an important role in outlining the whole article. The word "night" in the sentence is also meaningful. It shows that the people have a deep pain in military service. Even in the quiet night, they are as nervous as frightened birds and can't sleep well.
The second part, the first sentence, "Why are officials angry?" ! Why do women cry? "is a set of antithetical sentences, in which" official "and" female ","shout "and" cry ","anger "and" bitterness "correspond respectively. They are not only the contrast between the two images of "official" and "female", but also the contradiction between them. The repeated use of the word "Yihe" strongly highlights the arrogance of the county officials and the tragic degree of the old woman. " Speaking first and then listening to the woman "plays a transitional role, which leads to the following content of the old woman crying." The poet wrote the process of the old woman crying in thirteen poems. Although the words of the county magistrate were not inserted in the middle, they changed their rhyme and several meanings, indicating that the county magistrate had been "angry" many times.
The first turning point is from "three men guarding Yecheng" to "the dead are long gone", which is the first "howl" issued by the county magistrate in the case of fruitless search: "Where have all your men gone?" The old woman could only tell the truth with tears: "All three sons were recruited to guard Yecheng. One son just wrote that the other two sons are dead! ... "How can the county magistrate let it go and shout," Where are the others? Hand it over! " She had to answer, "There is no one in the room, only a baby." However, this statement contradicts the following statement. According to the full text, the situation at that time may be like this: after the old woman told the official that there was no one at home, the hungry little grandson began to cry because of the official's "shouting" and faced the county's questioning.
The old woman quickly explained, "only one grandson is still nursing!" His mother has to breast-feed the baby, and his clothes are in rags. It is really impossible to come out and meet people! " The county magistrate refused to listen to the explanation, but he still wanted to arrest people. The old lady quickly replied: "Although the old lady is weak, please come back from the official at night and wait on the river and Yang in a hurry to prepare for the cooking in the morning. The county magistrate survived. The speech ended with the old woman expelling the army, which proved the chaos of the world.
In the last film, the old woman was taken away, leaving only the daughter-in-law sobbing. After witnessing the long process of "screaming" and "crying" one after another, the poet can't be calm all the time, and all this is condensed in one word "long". Through "as if to hear", the poet not only heard the old woman's "talk", but also heard the daughter-in-law's cry, and his concern was naturally revealed. In the last two sentences, the narrative is affectionate, and the huge contrast between leaving and staying in a hotel is even greater.