Answers excerpted from the good Chinese words and sentences around me are as follows:
Review the past to learn the new, be honest and uphold the etiquette.
When the great righteousness is lost, there is benevolence and righteousness; when there is wisdom, there is great hypocrisy; when relatives are in discord, there is filial piety and kindness; when the country is in confusion, there are loyal ministers.
The country has virtuous generals and good generals, who serve as role models for the people.
If you take fish with bait, the fish will be killed; if you take people with salary, they will be exhausted; if you take the country with family, the country will be taken away; if you take the world with country, the world will be destroyed.
Heaven and earth give birth to gentlemen, and gentlemen govern heaven and earth. ——"Xunzi's Kingship"
A gentleman uses bells and drums to express his will, and uses harp and harp to music his heart;
The son of a good man must learn to be a fur; the son of a good bow must learn to be a Ji
A country with benevolence will prosper; if one family gives in, a country will prosper; if one person is greedy and ruthless, , a country is in chaos
A humble gentleman can cross the great rivers. ——"Book of Changes"
If you are an official and you are good at it, you will learn, and if you are good at learning, you will be an official.
The utensils are clean and earthenware, and the earthenware and pots are better than gold and jade; the food is simple and refined, and the vegetables in the garden are more delicious.
His son is as beautiful as jade. Beautiful as jade, different from the public.
Reputation is like the sun and moon, merit is like heaven and earth
Isn’t it true that you should learn and practice it from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but is not stunned?
A gentleman should be careful to be virtuous, and accumulate small things to become taller.
Data expansion
Guoxue in a broad sense refers to the cultural inheritance and academic records of Chinese dynasties, including ancient Chinese history, philosophy, geography, politics, economics and even calligraphy and painting, music, Yi studies, and Shu. , medicine, astrology, architecture, etc. Guoxue in the narrow sense refers to ancient Chinese doctrine.
Modern Chinese studies is a broad concept. Although it is closely related to Confucian classics, its value orientation is different and its meaning is broader, covering all kinds of traditional scholarship in the Confucian classics and history.
It is generally believed that Guoxue is the abbreviation of "Chinese academics", as opposed to "Western studies". Some commentators also pointed out: "Modern Chinese studies are not a simple continuation of traditional scholarship, but a transitional form of Chinese academics transforming from tradition to modernity under the influence of modern Western learning."
Modern Chinese studies also interact with Jing through Li Linsi Xingxueshe was the first to be accepted by the mainstream Western intellectual circles and had a substantial impact. Li Linsi and Jingxing Society have played a landmark and pioneering role in the "spreading of middle schools to the West" in many fields such as ancient Chinese philosophy, traditional culture and art, and traditional Chinese medicine.