1. Industrial ownership, including inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications of origin. Patent protection period is generally 20 years, industrial design protection is at least 10 years, and trademarks can be protected indefinitely.
2. Copyright, including literary and artistic works, such as novels, poems and plays, films and musical works; Works of art such as painting, oil painting, photography, sculpture and architectural design. The rights related to copyright include the rights of performing artists to their performances, the rights of producers of sound recordings to their sound recordings and the rights of radio and television institutions to their radio and television programs. Copyright lasts at least 50 years after the death of the author.
3. Trade secrets. An enterprise can identify any information as a "trade secret" and prohibit those who have access to these secrets from disclosing this information, usually through a contract. As long as people who have access to these secrets have signed a contract or agreed to keep them confidential before obtaining them, they must keep them confidential.