1. Nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns refer to people, places and things, and their initials should be capitalized. Such as: name: Tom, Peter, Mr. Yang; ; Names, movies and poems: A Tale of Two Cities, La Marseillaise, etc. Common nouns indicate the name of a class of people or things or an abstract concept, such as workers, cameras, steel, etc. Pay attention to the article before the noun: generally speaking, there is no definite article the before the proper noun. However, definite articles should be used before place names such as rivers, oceans and mountain islands; Before proper nouns consisting of more than two common nouns, definite articles are usually used.
2. Sometimes proper nouns can be transformed into common nouns, which have the characteristics of common nouns, that is, the indefinite article "a" can be added in front and "-s" can be added behind to express the plural form. The following are examples of proper nouns transformed into countable common nouns: There are many Edison in our country. This sentence has two different meanings: First, there are many people named Edison in our country. Secondly, there are many inventors like Edison in our country.