Ci is a different style of poetry that sprouted in the Southern Dynasties. It is a new literary style that emerged in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the Song Dynasty, after a long period of continuous development, Ci entered its heyday. Ci was originally called "quci" or "quci", and its other names include: modern Yuefu, long and short sentences, cizi, quci, movement, qinqu, poetry, etc. It is a song and poem filled in to match the music of the banquet. It is the name of the tone of the word. Different word cards have regulations on the total number of sentences, the number of sentences, the number of words in each sentence, and the level.
Words are generally divided into two sections (called upper and lower sections or upper and lower sections), but rarely are they not divided into sections or divided into more than two sections (sections). Some of a word is divided into only one paragraph, which is called monotone; some is divided into two paragraphs, which is called double tone; some is divided into three or four paragraphs, which is called triple or quadruple. The splitting is due to the rules of the score and because the music has been sung once. The relationship between pieces (or between pieces) is a temporary pause in music rather than the end of the whole song. A word is divided into several pieces, which is a complete song composed of several pieces of music.