Hello, "Guan Guan and the doves are on the island in the river. My fair lady, a gentleman likes to be brave." It means: Guan Guan and the singing doves are accompanying each other on the small island in the river. That beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse for a gentleman.
From the Book of Songs "Guan Ju".
Extended information:
1. The creative background of "Guofeng·Zhounan·Guanju"
"Guofeng·Zhounan·Guanju" is the first novel in ancient China The first poem in the Book of Songs, a collection of poems, is usually considered to be a love song describing the love between a man and a woman. The author of "Guofeng·Zhounan·Guanju" is unknown, and most of it cannot be verified. It is said that it was collected by Yin Jifu and compiled by Confucius.
2. Appreciation of "Guofeng·Zhounan·Guanju"
"Guofeng·Zhounan·Guanju" is a short poem that occupies a special position in the history of Chinese literature . It is the first chapter of the Book of Songs, the oldest classic of Chinese literature. Although judging from their nature, some mythological stories should have been produced earlier, but as written records, they are relatively late. So it can be said that when you look at the history of Chinese literature, the first thing you encounter is "Guan Ju".
"Guan Ju" not only recognizes that the love between men and women is a natural and normal emotion, but also requires that this emotion be restrained so that it conforms to the virtues of society. People in later generations often take what they need. , and extended it, and people who resisted the inhuman oppression of feudal ethics often used the authoritative banner of "Guan Ju" to assert their right to satisfy their personal emotions. The so-called "poetry has no meaning" can be seen in "Guanyong".