What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? Fundamental problems that have existed since the beginning of creation.

What is the meaning of life? -This is the fundamental problem since the origin of mankind. It seems that our nature has been asking such a question: "Where do we come from? How did I get here? What is my purpose on the ground? Where will I go after I die? What is the significance of all this? "

What is the meaning of life? There is no god's answer.

What is the meaning of life? Through the education of evolution, materialism and moral relativity in mass media and public school system, we have excluded God from possible answers when answering fundamental questions about life. Without God, we lose the great goal of the universe in which we live. To the death, we are just bugs struggling to survive. Everyone's achievements, sacrifices, kind and beautiful efforts, ugly and dark behaviors are ultimately useless things in life. Without God, we will lose any possibility of eternal life after death. When you give up the hope of heaven, you also give up the fundamental value and purpose of life. We're like Billy? Is Graham still like Osama? Ben. What's the difference between living like bin Laden? Anyway, we all have the same fate. This is the hopeless idea of those who base their beliefs on materialism and naturalism and think that life on earth should be like this.

What is the meaning of life? God's answer

What is the meaning of life? The answer to this question cannot come from human wisdom or reasoning, but only from the creator who transcends our material world. As we see in today's naturalistic society, once God is excluded from the equation, we begin to lose all human purposes. However, if God exists, we do have a great purpose and our life is really meaningful. We can not only find the meaning of life day after day, but also find an ultimate meaning through the hope of eternal life. If God exists, we can abandon the moral relativism that pervades today's society and replace it with the absolute standard of right and wrong in God's own characteristics. This also makes our daily choices meaningful. God gives us the ability to choose whether to live according to his moral laws or the values we choose according to our own wishes. As we can see, we are not robots put by God on the earth, and we absolutely have the free will to decide whether to obey his words or not. We either regard God as the creator of the universe or deny his existence. We can choose to live a meaningless life, or we can choose to live a life with absolute eternal purpose.

What is the meaning of life? When was the last time you asked this question seriously?

What is the meaning of life? Who has time to ask this question now? After we studied high school biology or university philosophy, this problem has long been replaced by daily hard work, family and mortgage. However, if we ask this question seriously for the last time, the answer is the most advanced life form in the process of evolution, and we have deprived ourselves of any chance to truly gain the meaning, purpose and eternal hope of life. Our existence and future have degenerated from a child of God to one of many animal species in this world. If you look at the history of nearly 150 years, you will find that human beings have felt the need to live according to the so-called wisdom and reason, not according to God's laws and love. We encourage you to ask this question again. Think about the answers and evidence yourself-you'll be happy to do so!