Original story: Tang met an old man, carrying a bag, commenting on books under the moon and asking questions; "What book is it?" The old man said, "This is the marriage in the world." . Gu asked again, "What's the use of the red rope in the bag?" The old man said,' Tie this rope to the feet of men and women, and you can become husband and wife even if you are not at home. "
Gu Wei, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, often went to the river when he was a child. One night, he saw a kind old man leafing through letters in the moonlight and tied two stones together with a red rope. Wei Gu was very surprised when he saw it. He casually asked, "Uncle, what are you doing with the stone?" The old man said, "I'm trying to get married!" " This is a perfect match for stones! "
Since then, "a thousand miles of marriage is a thread" has been handed down. Later people got married, and most of them gave their blessings to the married people.