Kabala Tree of Life (Basic Meaning) Detailed Data Collection

The full name is Kabala Tree of Life, also known as the inverted tree. Kabbalah Tree of Life, Hebrew Kabbalah Tree of Life, translated into English: Kabbalah/Kabbalah/Kabbalah/Kabbalah and so on.

"Kabbalah" is the mysterious philosophy of Judaism, and it is said that its most primitive root comes from Egyptian culture. According to legend, the concept of "kabbalah" was fully expressed by Moses, editor of the Jewish law Torah. The tree of life is the core of Kabbalah's thought, which is regarded as the blueprint for God to create the universe, or the structural diagram of God's body. Weighing is not only a pattern on paper, but also a real, three-dimensional universe, that is, our universe.

The tree of life, also called in Hebrew: Etz haChayim (? ), a mysterious symbol used in Judaism, belongs to one of the thoughts of Kabbalah, a traditional Jewish philosophy. The tree of life is used to describe the road to God (in Kabbalah literature, it is usually called Jehovah, or "the name of God") and the way God created the world from scratch. Kabbalah scholars use the tree of life as a schematic diagram of creation, thus developing the concept of creation into a complete realistic model. It is believed that Kabbalah's tree of life is equivalent to the tree of life mentioned in Genesis. According to Genesis Chapter 2, Section 8-9 of the Old Testament, the tree of life is located in the middle of the Garden of Eden:

The Lord God set up a garden in Eden in the east, and put the man he had made there. The Lord God makes all kinds of trees grow from the ground, which can be pleasing to the eyes and used as food. There is a tree of life and knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden. "

Chinese name: Kabala Tree of Life mbth:Kabala/Kabala/Qabalah/ Kabala Full name: Kabala Tree of Life, also known as: historical origin of fallen trees, different theories, tree of life, formation stage, ten elements, four worlds, three pillars, summary, historical origin Kabala's ideological principles come from the Bible Genesis, Revelation and Three. It is said that studying Kabbalah's thought can reveal "the mysterious causal relationship of the universe", and Cyberha-Zohar, which was compiled by13rd century, plays an important role in the prototype of Kabbalah's thought. Next, explain the wood of life. Kabala's thought symbolizes the whole universe with the "tree of life" growing in heaven, and its significance is very difficult to understand. If you really want to say it, the tree of life means the vast universe, the human body as a small universe, and the spiritual crossing to the realm of God. This tree of life consists of 10 cycles and 22 cycles. Humans in a single kingdom, through 22 roads to 10 circles, have a meditation journey until the crown. In addition, it is said that every circle has an archangel who guards and guides people. The tree of life can be divided into three pillars, ten elements, four boundaries and twenty-two paths. The tree of good and evil and the tree of life are not the same tree. The process of human descent from perfection is called the tree of good and evil. There is no distinction between good and evil in everything in the world and even all the laws in the universe. It was not until the concept of "self" came into being after the fall of mankind that there was a distinction between good and evil. When humans realize that they want to return to perfection, the way to reverse ascension is the tree of life. Before eating the fruit of the tree of knowing good and evil, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of life, so they lived forever. But after eating the fruit of the tree of knowing good and evil, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden by God and lost their eternal life. The tree of life that promotes human spirituality in the opposite direction is guarded by demons and angels at the entrance and exit. That is to say, if you want to enter the tree of life and return to eternal life, you must first overcome the temptation of demons, make a final breakthrough at the end, and have the power above the gods (angels) to succeed. Many people know that Christianity originated from Judaism, but few people know that Judaism itself can be divided into two sects. Most Jews believe in Judaism, and their views on Jehovah and God are similar to those of Christianity, Catholicism and Orthodox Church. They all think that Jehovah is a personified God. However, there are also a few Jews who believe in an impersonal god, which is often called Jewish esotericism, a bit like Buddhism. Jewish esoteric teachings of different doctrines hold that the truth preached by Moses is divided into two parts, one part is the truth preached by most lambs with mediocre qualifications in bring disgrace to oneself, and the other part is only taught to a few goats with higher intelligence who are willing to pursue the truth all their lives. The mystery of this part is that Moses revealed the secret meaning of the original identity of God and man. This realm, called "Adam Caedmon", is actually a complete realm before human beings have fallen. Jewish esoteric religion believes that to reach the realm of Adam, the primitive man who is the unity of God and man, it is necessary to practice Kabbalah, which represents the tree of life, similar to Taoist practice of returning to nature. Kabbalah's contents mainly include: the secret of creation, the secret of life, the fate prediction of individuals and even the whole universe, the secret of changing fate, the secret of collection in the Bible, the mystery of God and the devil. These mysteries are not only collected in three Hebrew secret books, namely, The Book of Crane, The Book of Creation (Sefer Yezirah) and The Book of Light (Sefer ha-Bahir), but some of them were handed down by prophets. But first observe the roots of the disciples, and then choose the right ones, which will be handed down from generation to generation, and only be allowed to spread among the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel (that is, the real reason why Moses declared Israel to be the chosen one of God). Kabbalah's teachings are mainly divided into three parts, namely, theoretical Kabbalah, meditation Kabbalah and practice Kabbalah (if you want to know more about the core teachings of Jewish esotericism, please refer to the Hebrew ancient books mentioned above). However, the mystery of the creation story and the tree of life has not been completely solved from the teaching of Jewish esoteric religion, because some secrets belong to secrets that will not be handed down. Therefore, if we want to pursue them, we must go back to the source of Kabbalah and the tree of life, knowing that before Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, their people also lived in Egypt and Babylon for a long time. If we look up more archaeological materials, we will find that the creation myth of Babylon has many similarities with Genesis. The oldest tree of life also originated in Babylon, and Kabbalah, a Jewish esoteric religion, is similar to Kabbalah, which spread in Egypt. A similar conclusion can be drawn by combining all the religious beliefs of Egypt, Babylon and Jewish esoteric religions, as well as various ancient mythological records and archaeological materials. From the Jewish profound point of view, the Garden of Eden is just a realm, but it doesn't really exist. "In the beginning, there was a Tao, and the Tao was with God. This road has been with God from the beginning. " In fact, Tao is a god without personality, and primitive Adam is the realm of heaven and man. The Fall of Adam and Eve is actually a record in Agama, in which a man descended to earth to become a man because he was greedy for fruit. Jewish esoteric religion has the concept of total spirit, and all spirits are split from total spirit. In fact, Moses preached a sacred way of testifying to the gods himself. However, due to the time when he preached the law, the wisdom of the Hebrews was not open. At that time, they worshipped more than 100 gods. Moses had to deify all the different gods into one god by the method of generational thinking, and created a sect similar to Pure Land Buddhism, which was believed by most people. In addition, I can tell you a little secret. The snake that distinguishes the tree of good and evil is actually a snake fire of Hinduism and yoga and a student of Taoism. If you have practiced Zhuo Ding Huo, you should know what it is. Some contents of Revelation are actually methods of practice. The seven angels, seven lamps and seven bowls refer to the seven chakras of the human body. Some secret sects in the west can completely decipher the secrets. In western traditional mysticism, Kabbalah began with a painting called "Tree of Life". This picture contains ten circles depicting "Sephiroth" (please use Sephirah); Singular); It means "celestial body", "number" and "emission". Sephiroth was carefully arranged in their original field from one to ten. Every Sephirah has a prototype concept. In other words, Sephiroth shows the godhead and the steps to create this world. In the material world, according to ancient ideas, they are manifested in the sacred scope. After passing through the first "crown" of Sephora, we come across a ring with three layers of energy. The first layer is void (original), then is infinite (Ain-soph), and the last layer is countless light (Ain-Sophaur). These processes show that there is a procedure from the earliest existence to existence (which Cather regards as existence). They have no figures. Even a master like Korol can only set them to 0,000,000. But these things are very low in Kabala's thought; Because they still have matter. In fact, there are four trees of life * * *, which have just been written with the lowest order and the most materials, and are called Olam ha-Assiah. The tree of life also exists in the other three advanced time and space. The world with less material than just a higher level is the world of formation (Olamha-yetzirah), and Plato's world is probably like that. In Atziluth, every Sephirah is associated with the name of a special and rare god. For example, the holy spirit related to Geburah is Elomhim Gibor. In Elomhim Gibor's work assignment, "Almighty God" is a harsh judge and a fair distributor without mercy. In Greek and Roman mythology, the name of this holy spirit is Mars. The next world is Olam ha-briah, in which Sephiroth is related to archangels. Here you will hear familiar names, such as Raphael, Michael and Gabriel (please refer to "Guardian of the Angels of the Zodiac" written by Xiong). Above Bria is the world of the nobility (Olam ha-atziluth), and Sephiroth is related to different angels or sovereign angels, such as cherubim and Seraphim. Speaking of the symbol of Kabbalah's thought, it is "Sephiroth". Before going into the tree of life, let's talk about Kabbalah's thought. Kabbalah is the ultimate meaning of Jewish mysterious thought, and its etymology in Hebrew means oral communication and teaching. It is said that the "unspeakable" secret, which originated from the teaching of Abraham's angels, was the most mysterious part of Jewish thought for a long time, and it was not known until the13rd century, and then it became a part of the ideological source of alchemists, religions, Rose Crusaders and so on. Tree of Life This tree of life consists of 10 Sephora and 22 Pass. In an individual (kingdom), human beings have gone through 22 paths to 10 circles and made a meditation journey until they reached the crown. In addition, it is said that every circle has an archangel who guards and guides people. A detailed description of Kabbalah's tree of life (Cather; ; Crown)-(Metatron, Medanzo) and the big universe above human head. It means the source of creation, pure existence and vitality. The serial number is 1, the color is white, and the gem is like diamond. The confused star is like Neptune, representing the king. God's name is Eheieh. The guardian angel is Metatron. At the same time, it corresponds to Malcuit, known as the last sword. (Chhokmah Wisdom)-(Ratziel, Rajel) alias is "supreme father", which is a symbol of male principle and "action". The number is 2, the color is gray, and the gem is represented by turquoise. The confusing star takes Uranus as an image and is called the supreme father, which is similar to the male principle. God's name is jod. The guardian angel is Ratziel(Binah;; ; Understanding) -(Zaphkiel, Yafujie) There is also a name called "supreme mother", and harmony is the corresponding relationship, giving everything shape. The number is 3, the color is black, the gem is pearl, the metal is lead, and the confused star is like Saturn. Known as the supreme mother, she likes the principle of women. On behalf of mature women. God's name is Iloshin. The guardian angel is Zaphkiel. (Chesed sympathy-(Sadokil, Sadokil) means pure and sacred universal law-"love". Chesed is also called Gedulah. The number is 4, the color is blue, the metal is tin, the figure is regular tetrahedron, the gem is sapphire, and the confused star is like Jupiter. On behalf of the king sitting on the throne. God's name is El. The guardian angel is Sadok Kiel. (Geburah is strict)-(Carmel; Kamael) alias is "angel surgeon". The number is 5, the color is red, the figure is pentagonal, the metal is iron, the gem is ruby, and the confusing star takes Mars as its image. Also known as the sky surgeon. God's name is Iloshin? Gibb. The guardian angel is kamal. (Tiphareth is beautiful)-(Michael; Michael) The location of the center of the Wood of Life. A center to replenish all biological energy. The number is 6, the color is yellow, the metal is gold, the confusing star is the sun (the sun is also known as the confusing star), and the name of God is iroha. The guardian angel is Michael. (Netsah Victory) -(Hamiel, Yanal) means "abundance" and the number is 7. 7 From God's "Seven Days of Creation" in the Bible Genesis. There is a practical and brave meaning. The color is green, the metal is copper, the gem is emerald, and the star of confusion is represented by Venus. Female representatives * * *. God's name is Adonai? Chabaut. The guardian angel is haniel (Hod glory)-(Raphael; Raphael) means "mold" in material form. The number is 8, the color is orange, the metal is mercury, and the confused star is like mercury. God's name is Iloshin? Chabaut. The guardian angel is Raphael. (Yesod basic)-(Gabriel; Gabriel) means "astral body", that is, the aura in the soul and body. Kabbalah used this to mean "pre-existing matter". The number is 9, the color is purple, the metal is silver, and the confusing star is the moon (the moon is also regarded as confusing star). A man representing * * *. God's name is Shaddai? El? Chai. The guardian angel is Gabriel. (Malcuit; Kingdom)-(sandalphon; The eighth apostle) means "material kingdom". Is the color orange? Olive. Reddish brown? Black is four colors, the gem is crystal, and the confused star is like the earth. Represents a young woman sitting on a throne. God's name is Adonai? Miller. Guardian Angel is the composition stage of the eighth apostle ▲ Four classes that make up the tree of life (the spelling here is somewhat different from that in Tianjin) (Atziluth;; Prototype: Fire (Adam and Damon) is in place here. It is said that the superior demon also belongs here. (beria; Prototype: Wind This is the realm of spirit and soul. (Yetzirah prototype: the field of water human soul, from which there are differences between men and women. A world regarded as an element. (Arcia; Prototype: We live in a world where the soul has a body. In the historical development of Kabala, different schools put forward different particle structures and expressed different spiritual levels. The tradition of counting to ten began in the book of creation, "The nothingness of ten particles is not nine or eleven". Although different schools always list eleven kinds of particles, two of them (Keter and Da'at) are regarded as the subconscious and conscious expressions of the same essence, so these eleven kinds of particles are classified into ten categories. According to the order from top to bottom and from right to left, the ten elements are: crown: transcendence, the essence of God; It also represents a clear fire day. Wisdom: the origin of wisdom, pure reason and creation; It also represents the star day/prime moving day. Understanding: execution, essential reason, source of creation: it also represents Saturn. Love: love, kindness, doting and greatness; It also represents Jupiter Day. Severity: law, theocracy, finding evil, anger; It also stands for Mars Day. Beauty: compassion, mediation and beauty; It also represents the sun and the sky. This essence is the core of the tree of life. Victory: Forever, expansion, victory; It also represents Venus. Brilliance: dignity, contraction and glory; It also represents Mercury Day. Foundation: foundation, the foundation of all things, God's creation; It also represents the moon and the sky. Kingdom: Kingdom, matter and people; It also represents the synthesis of four elements, that is, the existence of matter. If we connect 1 to 10 in turn, it is also called "the road of flaming sword". In the16th century, the particle Da'at appeared in Kabala, the Rulan galaxy. Where Dayat is located, the ten particles of the tree of life are integrated, so it is generally not depicted. However, sometimes Da'at will be regarded as a particle instead of KKether, and it will appear along the central axis of the tree of life, just below the crown and above the beauty. At this time, it will be considered as the conscious expression of the unconscious Cather. Four Worlds Four Worlds: Prototype World: the highest and most perfect world. That's how the rest of the world is created. Pure soul and thought represent the will of God. The light from Atziluth began to organize. Ideas and ideas began to take shape. This is the world of archangels, a world formed by the heart of God: organizations from Bria began to form matter. The form began to appear. This is the world of little angels, the thought of God, and the material world: the primitive light falls apart and begins to crystallize to form the existence of matter, nature and human beings. Abstract ideas turn into concrete things, and this is the human world. Three pillars: from right to left, the three pillars are: the pillar of kindness, the pillar of gentleness and the pillar of severity. 22 paths: "path" is a meaningful connection between two elements, and the tree of life represents the process from spirit to matter. To sum up, the present concept of Kabbalah's Tree of Life was created by the Jewish mystic rabbi in the Middle Ages. He combined the past knowledge with numbers and letters as the basis for answering religious philosophical questions. Later, the Jews further divided the origin of things into 10 numbers linked by 22 paths, each number corresponding to a Hebrew letter, and the specific classification chart was represented by the tree of life. In the13rd century, it was widely known by Seve Ha Zohar. By the16th century, this statement had developed into a philosophical theory similar to Christianity. Many religions and schools in the world believe in different concepts of the tree of life. The people of Arsenis even believe in the tree of life (SEPHIROTH), but the tree of life in Arsenis is closer to the field of Indian metaphysics. The true meaning of SEPHIROTH symbolizes the process of human salvation. Lines represent "the form of existence" and circles represent the form of perception. The former is the "secondary road of wisdom" and the latter is the "main road of wisdom". The precipitation of the whole image from "force" to "shape" is also the process of redemption. For Kabala's tree of life, it is generally believed that the ten spheres in the tree of life represent the ten faces of God, with men on the left and women on the right, with a harmonious zone between them. For believers, ten spheres also represent the energy centers that human beings can obtain, which is the concept of "God" developed by ancient religions. Taking Carboniferous and flame as an analogy, people can't tell the existence of black carbon in the dark, but once it burns and glows, people can find its existence, but flame is only one of the properties expressed by black carbon, and it is by no means the whole of black carbon. Ancient thinkers thought that "God" also existed in this way, so they designed ten attributes of God, called "Kabala", and the structure connecting these ten attributes was called "Kabala Tree of Life".