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Praise god.

135 praise the Lord, for the Lord has chosen Israel and achieved great things.

Give thanks to the Lord, who does wonders alone, for his lovingkindness endures forever.

Miss Jerusalem of Babylon.

138 praise the Lord, for he has fulfilled his word.

The Lord sees everything about man.

140 David asked the Lord to save him from the wicked and avenge the poor.

David asked God to protect his mouth and heart and protect himself from danger.

David asked God to save himself from persecution.

143 David thought of the power of the Lord in his suffering and asked the Lord to save him from persecution and teach himself with words.

144 the Lord god cares for people, and the people are blessed by the Lord and become their gods.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is great. The Lord is unfaithful in all his ways, and merciful in all his ways.

146 praise the Lord as king and trust him.

147 Praise the power of the Lord and be kind to Israel. The Lord loves those who fear him and hope for his lovingkindness.

148 may all peoples praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord for his salvation

150 Let everyone who has breath praise the Lord.