His representative works include Li Sao and Nine Songs. Qu Yuan received a good family education from an early age. He is smart, well-read and smart. Later, he became an official of the imperial court and won the trust of Chu Huaiwang. He once served as Dr. Zuo Tui and Dr. Sanlu, participated in state affairs, formulated laws, advocated promoting talents, reformed official management, and fought against Qin. But the reform measures touched the interests of the Conservative Party and were hostile to them. Encouraged by Zhang Yi of Qin State, greedy ministers of Chu put forward suggestions, and Chu Huaiwang gradually alienated Qu Yuan. In 305 BC, under the guidance of the State of Qin, the State of Chu gave up the strategy of forming an alliance with the State of Qi to resist Qin. Qu Yuan was also driven out of the capital by Chu Huaiwang and exiled to the north of Han Dynasty. In 299 BC, Qu Yuan returned to the capital of Chu to participate in politics. He still advocated anti-Qin, but he didn't do it. Later, Chu Huaiwang was imprisoned by the State of Qin. Qing Xiang ascended the throne and reached a compromise with Qin. Qu Yuan was even more depressed and was exiled to the wasteland in the south. Qu Yuan, a disciple of Chu Huaiwang, has the same surname as the King of Chu and is knowledgeable.
He consulted with the king in political affairs, issued decrees, received foreign guests in diplomacy and dealt with the prince, which won the king's trust. He advocated employing people, knowing the law, enriching Qiang Bing, Chyi Chin and unifying China. Later, the king of Chu was angry at being slandered by Shangguan doctor, Shanxi merchants and others, and alienated from the Yuan Dynasty. Later, the State of Chu was defeated by the State of Qin. Qu Yuan was ordered to go to the State of Qin and return to China as a doctor of Sanlu. Soon, he was ostracized and exiled to the north of Han Dynasty. After the king of Chu succeeded to the throne, Qu Yuan was exiled to the south of the Yangtze River and wandered between Yuan and Xiang.