Flower group
Kana. Bismarck/Ganna. Bismarck
Kanna?Bismarch / カンア. ビスマルク
26 October 1977
Voice actor : くまいもとこ
Origin: Germany
Interests: Motorcycles
Favorite food: Steinblliz's soup
Maizeloda. Matisse/Machiluta. Matisse
Matilda Matisse / マチルダ?マティス
19 July 1986
Voice Actor: Yue Hanban
Origin: England
Interest: Growing herbs
Favorite food: Pumpkin
Mario. Faona/Mario. Fana
Marion Phauna / ?オン.____
28 February 1987
Voice actor: Michiko Neya
Origin: Italy
Interests: Poetry
Favorite food: Grilled lamb chops with blue cheese sauce
Beyond the Soul Ashcroft/ Ashcroft
4 May 1154
Type B
Interest: Martial Arts
Favorite Food: Miscbrot
Medium. Super Spirit Jack/Jack
Jack / ジャック< /p>
Media. Super-spiritual body Chuck/ Chuck
Chuck/ チャック