Pentecost (lesson 2)

Lesson 2

Scripture:? Acts 2: 1-2 1

Golden sentence:? They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and according to the eloquence given by the Holy Spirit, they spoke other words ... Crete and Arabia heard them talking in our own language about the great works of God! ”(2:4, 1 1)

Subject:? Pentecost

Point:? The purpose of the holy spirit arrival

Main idea:? Without the Holy Spirit, there would be no church.

The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost-

1.? Full of disciples-let them bear witness to the Lord

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and according to the eloquence given by the Holy Spirit, they spoke other words ... Crete and Arabia heard them talking in our own language about the great works of God! ”(2:4, 1 1)

The fullness of the Holy Spirit enables disciples to effectively testify for God and attract people to come to God instead of themselves (see Acts 1: 8).

This made them ask, "What does this mean?" (2: 12)

2.? Fulfill the prophecy-giving the Holy Spirit is a long-standing commitment.

"This is exactly what the prophet Joel said ... your children will prophesy, your young people will see visions, and the old people will dream strange dreams." (2: 16, 17)

In the Old Testament, God promised the Holy Spirit, and in the Ministry of Jesus, he also made this promise (Jn. 7: 38-39,14:17; Luke 24: 44-53).

3.? Provide evidence-prove that salvation is true

"Since he was exalted by God's right hand and received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father, he poured out what you saw and heard ... Peter said,' Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins can be forgiven, and you will receive the given Holy Spirit.' "(2:33,38)

In the New Testament and Acts, the gift of the Holy Spirit is the evidence of salvation. The Holy Spirit is the seal of believers to ensure their salvation (Acts10: 44-48; Sea fish of Sparidae 8: 9; f 1: 13- 14; After the forest 1: 22)

Conclusion:? Giving the Holy Spirit enables the church to be established and gives believers the strength to testify for Christ.

* The church was born under the power of God. *

* Believers should also rely on, use and demonstrate the power of the same God when testifying. *

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