● Dark clouds cover the sun for one day, but not for many years (North Korea)
● Tengu can't eat the sun.
No matter how deep the night is, it can't cover a ray of light.
● No matter how long the road is, there is an end, and no matter how long the night is, there is an end (Tanzania)
● If you want to sprinkle sunshine into other people's hearts, you should also have sunshine in your own heart (France).
● It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness (anna louise strong)
Facing the light, the shadow will always be behind me (America)
The artist's task is to create sunshine when there is no sunshine (France)
● Darkest before dawn (USA)
● The darkest hour is also the closest to the light (UK)
People will not reach the light except through the road of darkness (Lebanon)
● Any darkness is more likely to cause lofty ideals than light (Burke)
People who grope in the dark often find what they don't want to find (Britain)