What are the personalities of people?

Lively people hang themselves high on the stars in the dark night and bring the moon home. Fairy tales that miss life and always hope to live happily ever after. Typical lively types are emotionally exposed and enthusiastic. They know how to turn work into fun and are willing to interact with others. They can find excitement in anything. They are outgoing and optimistic. Oh my God! How lifeless life would be without lively people! We need laughter, humor and good mood, enthusiasm and energy and enthusiasm and charisma. 2. Perfect type (M type) - let us coordinate with the perfect type! Even in their infancy, Perfect people seem to think deeply. They are quiet, easy-going and like to be alone. Perfect adults are thinkers. They take their goals seriously, emphasize the order and organization of doing things, advocate beauty and intelligence, and make long-term and best arrangements for life. If there were less perfect people in the world, we would be missing poetry, literature, philosophy, and music, and the education, taste, and talents that bury the depths of our characters would be lost; the world might be missing many engineers, inventors, and scientists. Our economy and information will be out of balance. Perfect people are the soul, wisdom, spirit, and core of mankind. Oh, how the world needs perfect types! 3. Power type (C type) - let us act together with the power type! Powerful people are always full of motivation and ideals. They have the courage to climb unattainable peaks and always move towards their goals. When lively people are talking, perfect people are thinking, and powerful people are aggressive. He has one law: "Do it my way now!". You will find that his temper is the easiest to understand and the easiest to get along with. A powerful person can communicate openly with others and knows that everything will be fine - as long as he is responsible. Since the powerful ones are goal-oriented and have inherent leadership qualities, they often reach the pinnacle of their choices. Most politically influential leaders are powerful. We need flexibility, control, command, confidence, strong will, dominance, decision-making process, power, faster, complete! 4. Peaceful type (P type) - let us relax with the peaceful type! God specially created a peaceful person, who is an emotional buffer and provides stability and balance. The Peaceful type moderates the colorful and lively type; refuses to over-appreciate the Powerful type's excellent decisions; and does not take the Perfect type's complex plans too seriously. Peaceful people are the great equalizers among us. “It’s not that big of a deal,” he told us. And indeed in the long run, it was.