acts 16:31 they said, "believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved."
first, the witness of family salvation
Acts 16:27 When the jailer woke up, he saw the prison door fully open and thought that the prisoner had escaped, so he drew his sword and tried to commit suicide.
acts 16:28 Paul shouted, "don't hurt yourself! We are all here. "
acts 16:34 so the jailer took them to his own house and set them a meal. He and his whole family were very happy because they believed in God.
1. Sudden environment
Acts 16:27 When the jailer woke up, he saw the prison door fully open and thought that the prisoner had escaped, so he drew his sword and tried to commit suicide.
2. Unexpected rollover
Acts 16:28 Paul shouted, "Don't hurt yourself! We are all here. "
3. Joy of the whole family returning to the Lord
Acts 16:34 So the jailer took them to his own house and set them a meal. He and his whole family were very happy because they believed in God.
Second, the witness of understanding the truth
1. Grandma? Roy
2. Mother? Eunice
2 Tim. 1:5 When I think of the true faith in your heart, it was first in your grandmother Roy and your mother Eunice, and I am convinced that it is also in your heart.
3, Timothy
2 Timothy 3:15 and know that you have understood the Bible since childhood, which can make you have the wisdom to be saved by believing in Christ Jesus.
3. the testimony of persistent prayer
1. Hannah
1sam 1.1 Hannah wept bitterly and prayed to the Lord.
1sam 1.11 made a vow and said, "Lord of hosts, if you care about your servant's sufferings and remember her, and give me a son, I will bring him back for life.
1sam 1:12 Hannah kept praying before the Lord, so that she could look intently at her mouth.
1sam 1:13 For Hannah prayed silently in her heart, only moving her lips and making no sound, so Eli thought that she was drunk.
1 Sam 1:14 Eli said to her, "How long will you be drunk? You shouldn't drink. "
Sam 1:15 Hannah replied, "No, Lord, I am a woman with a bitter heart. I didn't drink wine or strong drink, but I poured out my heart before the Lord.
1sam 1:16 Don't treat your handmaid as an immoral woman. I prayed for it until now because I was excited and worried too much. "
1 Sam 1:17 Eli said, "Go back in peace. May the God of Israel grant you what you asked of him!"
1sam 1:18 Hannah said, "May your handmaid find favor in your eyes." So the woman went to eat, and her face was no longer sad.
2, Samuel
Sam 3:19 Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, so that nothing he said failed.
Sam 3:2 All Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, knew that the Lord had appointed Samuel as a prophet.
4. Witness of reception and service
1. Martha Road 1:38 When they were walking, Jesus entered a village. A woman named Martha took him to her home.
Luke 1:39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at Jesus' feet and listened to his word.
at 1:4, Martha was so busy that she came forward and said, "Lord, don't you care that my sister left me to serve alone?" Please tell her to help me. "
2, Mary
John 11:2 This Mary is the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, and Lazarus, who is sick, is her brother.
Luke 1:42 But there is only one thing that is indispensable. Mary has chosen the good blessing, which cannot be taken away.
3, Lazarus
John 12:9 Many Jews knew where Jesus was and came, not only for Jesus' sake, but also to see Lazarus, who was raised from the dead.
John 12:1 But the chief priests took counsel to kill even Lazarus.
John 12:11 Because many Jews went back and believed in Jesus because of Lazarus.
The world has a population of 7.5 billion, and there are about 1 billion families, and there are about 25 million families in China.
Through the epidemic in recent months, many families have lived at home and lived with their families, resulting in many family conflicts.
we should think, what is the problem?
As a Christian, I certainly understand that there is a problem in the relationship between God and man.
The above four families give us the answers to solve contradictions. If we respond to the great love saved by the Lord, and have wonderful family witnesses in reading the Bible, praying and serving, God will definitely help us live a harmonious and beautiful life.