Excuse me: Why does Maria wear perfume with her hair?

Jn. 12: 3 "So Mary took a catty of very expensive perfume of pure nard and wiped Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair; The room smelled of ointment. 」

(original meaning) "extremely expensive" is very valuable; "Truth" is reliable, pure and undoped.

Background: Plastering was a welcome and respectful etiquette in society at that time, and it was usually put on the head (see Road 7: 46).

A Jin, formerly known as (litra), is a Roman unit of weight (per pound 12 ounce), equivalent to one third of a kilogram.

"Extremely expensive Gennada ointment" is an expensive aromatic ointment made of sesame oil extracted from the root of a plant called Nada, which is produced in India.

A spiritual note: "Wipe Jesus' feet" symbolizes the fragrant dedication to the Lord.

"I also use my own hair to wipe", and "hair" is the glory of women (Lin Qian. 1 1: 15); Mary wiped the humblest part (feet) of the Lord Jesus with her most glorious part, symbolizing putting the crown at the feet of the Lord (see Rev. 4: 10).

Maria represents all those who love the Lord. When she saw Christ crucified for us, she was deeply touched, so she gave everything to the Lord and poured her whole body on him.

(1) Believers in the church are sinners, but they are washed by precious blood, so the Lord likes to be with them and sit with them.

(2) Anyone who truly knows that he is a sinner and is blessed by the Lord will always thank the Lord, love him, open a home for him, receive him and give him property.

(3) Maria dedicated to the Lord "extremely expensive Zenada perfume"; What believers offer to the Lord must be what they think is the most precious and true.

(4) With a touch of balm, the whole room is filled with fragrant air; What we put on the Lord in order to love him is a fragrant testimony to those around us.

(5) Whatever we offer to the Lord out of sincerity will always give off a fragrant aroma, which will make people feel the fragrance of Christ (see Cor. 2: 14~ 16).

(6) Many people want the salvation of the Lord, but not the savior; Many people cherish the blessing of the Lord, but they don't cherish the Lord himself. Do we want anything else besides the Lord? Or the Lord himself?

(7) It turns out that Christ's love inspires us to think that since he died for all of us, we living people no longer live for ourselves, but for the Lord who died and rose for us (2 Cor. 5: 14~ 15).

(8) Mary is characterized by (1) sitting at the feet of the Lord (see Lk. 10: 39); (2) prostrate in front of the main foot (see11:32); (3) Wipe your feet with your hair. A person who can sit at the main feet will bow down at the main feet; A man who bows down at the feet of the Lord will dedicate his glory to the feet of the Lord.

(9) Salvation must bring dedication; Salvation is not complete without dedication.