Wang Zhonghua is a hardworking, kind and simple person in the village. His waist is thick and round, with infinite strength; He is honest and never quarrels with others; He is not good at words, a face of Liang Shan; He is ready to help others and never cares about personal gain or loss. Because of his good reputation in the village, people in the village, old and young, respect him as Mr. Wang.
I remember that in the era of rural collectives, Mr. Wang, who was young and strong, was always the first to work in the production team. In the morning, when smoke rises from the roof of every house, he works alone in the field, stepping on the morning dew. In the evening, he was the last person to go home. After the implementation of the rural land contract system, his family was also assigned more than ten acres of land.
While farming, Mr. Wang also undertakes the work of "managing water" for the production team. The wheat in the field has been harvested, and the sheet piles have been cultivated. At this time, the field began to drain and transplant rice seedlings. After the saplings were planted, families rushed to water them. His family also has fields, but he didn't put a drop of water into the ditch after passing through his fields for everyone to give up his home. After the water in other people's fields is put away, they finally irrigate their own fields.
Mr. Wang is a warm-hearted man. No matter whether villagers or neighbors need help, just say hello and be responsive. I remember that once my house was rebuilt, my mother asked Mr. Wang to help dig the foundation of the house, and he readily agreed. The next day, while we were still having breakfast at home, he came to the wall of my house with a shovel and dug up the soil by himself according to the line drawn by the bricklayer with white lime.
Mr. Wang has four children, two daughters and two sons. The eldest son is mentally retarded and dumb, and the other three children are married. He bought a rice mill, a flour mill, built a small house and opened a rice noodle processing workshop. The dumb son followed him to do odd jobs and do some simple things in the workshop.
One day, Mr. Wang and Jiu-Er were processing rice for others in the mill. Suddenly, the little daughter rushed back and said, "No, my grandmother died of drinking pesticides at home!" Mr. Wang was surprised for a moment and asked, "Why do you drink pesticides?"
Mr. Wang's youngest daughter, Xiao Fang, married a prostitute from the neighboring team. She is close to home and her family is not rich. Xiao Fang's father-in-law died earlier, and his grave is next to his neighbor's sericulture farm. However, a big tree on the grave blocked the sunshine of mulberry trees in the neighbor's house and affected the growth of mulberry leaves. Han's neighbor advised Xiao Fang's mother-in-law to cut off the branches of the big tree, but Xiao Fang's mother-in-law ignored her neighbor's request. So, the neighbor secretly poured diesel oil on the tree, lit the fire and burned the tree to death. Mother-in-law felt that this was unlucky, and her heart suddenly rose with anger. She ran to argue with her neighbors and asked them to compensate for the loss. The neighbor said, "Your big tree blocks the sunshine of my mulberry." Xiao Fang's mother-in-law said, "My tree didn't grow into your field. Is it difficult for you to own the sky on this mulberry field? " That's it. You come and I fight. The more you say, the stronger your temper. If you have confrontation, you have nothing to say when you scold. The more she thought about it, the angrier her mother-in-law got when she got home. Instead, I was scolded by my neighbors. If I can't figure it out, I will drink pesticides while my son and daughter-in-law are not at home.
When my son came back and saw his elderly mother die, he was really ashamed of her. In addition to grief and indignation, he also went to his neighbor's house to relieve his anger. However, the people in the neighbor's house knew that there was a life, and they expected someone to fight, so they locked the door and went out to hide. Seeing the door closed, the angry son was more impulsive, so he opened the door of his neighbor's house and smashed it, and then put the deceased in his neighbor's house. Mr. Wang came in a hurry. Seeing this situation, he couldn't find a neighbor to talk about things, so he went to the village to find a cadre. After understanding, Secretary Zhang quickly reported the situation to the police station. The police station of the police station blocked the scene, and the director advised Mr. Wang's son-in-law to say: "It was smashed again. Don't make trouble. If you have something to say, take the dead home first, and don't smash anything again. Otherwise, you will not only compensate other people's property, but also be investigated for criminal responsibility. We will find the parties to solve all the problems. " Mr. Wang also advised his son-in-law: "People can't be resurrected when they are dead. Calm down and don't make the dead uneasy. " The excited son-in-law said, "No, my mother can't die in vain. Don't worry about her husband. I will fight with his family! " "
Things couldn't progress for a while, and the police station finally took Mr. Wang's son-in-law away with criminal responsibility. Mr. Wang panicked when he learned that his son-in-law was going to be sentenced. A son-in-law is half a son, and he must not be put in prison. His daughter and granddaughter depend on him for support. How else can a family live in the future? He can't eat well, he can't sleep, and he looks sad and worried. In the evening, I went to the village secretary Zhang Jia and asked him to help me talk about the situation. When I arrived at the secretary's house, I pleaded: "Secretary, if you can guarantee my son-in-law to come back, I am willing to kneel for you!" "He said this, he sat down in front of the secretary zhang. When Secretary Zhang saw this, he quickly helped him up and explained, "This is a big deal. I sympathize with you. It could have been solved, but your son-in-law just wouldn't listen and kept fighting. This has violated the law, and there is nothing I can do. This is two different things! " Secretary Zhang finally said awkwardly, "Otherwise, I will go to the police station with you." Mr. Wang shook hands quickly and thanked him.
The next day, Secretary Zhang and Mr. Wang came to the police station. Mr. Wang said to the director, "The son-in-law has difficulties. If the son-in-law is locked up, how can he live at home? " If the director can sympathize, I am willing to kneel down to the leader! "The director said," get up, eldest brother, the law is the same. Your son-in-law broke the law. Nothing you can do can stop it. Don't worry, we'll settle it fairly. "Mr. Wang knelt down twice and didn't get his son-in-law back. After several days' travel, fatigue, heavy heart and mental shock, he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at night, was found by his family at night, and fell asleep forever on the way to the hospital for rescue. ...
The high winds spread to the countryside, and the children and grandchildren will be revealed in the next festival. Hearing the news of Mr. Wang's unfortunate death, the villagers came to see him off. The old man wiped his tears and said, "Teacher Wang is really a rare good man in the village!" Why don't you just say it? "Laoganjie has been standing beside Mr. Wang and said to the sleeping Mr. Wang:" If I can exchange, I am willing to replace your life! "
I stood in front of Mr. Wang's lonely spiritual shop and looked at his kind face. Sighing in front of the store, regretting that Mr. Wang's life has only gone more than half! At this point, my blurred eyes seemed to see Mr. Wang's heart still beating. ...
Be kind all your life, lead by example, and be simple all your life. Mr. Wang, your voice and smile will remain in my heart forever. ...