No, I'm a reporter.
But he has a report.
An Essos HerMozos Paisayers.
Please take me to see the scenery.
La valija ya tengo lista
I'm coming, friends, go,
llevo muy poco equipaje
My singer sings solo.
Le dije al LAGO:? Where do you want to go?
This is the first time I have seen you.
Incredible reflection:
"yes, my god.
This is my Spanish.
Te doy,humano,un consejo:
My bike has no tires,
My ecosystem is complete,
You told me to be quiet,
You want me to be gay. "
Where do you want to go? A:? Are you Mr. Podrosa?
Soybean import and export corporation
Soybean humilde and muy callada,
Please tell me how to do it.
Nachi Deloose Tremaud Toth
But I know.
Amaran Alberto,
My destiny,
y se inclinará la balanza
Rotational balance.
Le dije al BOSQUE:? What is this?
My answer is:
"See you soon.
Detoda clase de aves
De Muiboni Toplumaje.
Tengo un bonito ramaje
But I'm sorry,
You're thinking about a superhero.
The earth is so big,
Without my nakedness,
I am in Rome. "
Do you like tropical rain forests? NICA:? Who is the most beautiful person in the world?
My answer is:
"I want to go to the train station"
y además pulmón natural
Bello peraj.
No, I don't have a picture,
Soybeans are incredibly real,
Dejan de Hessemet El Mar
I love you. "
How are you? o:? What do you like?
My answer is:
"I'm very sorry
Quebec big industrial company.
Our son Raza Sinica.
I'm polluted.
You are a part of my life
Please forgive me.
Basta de Contana! ? No sigan!
Oh, my God.
Le dije a la TIERRA:? Desaparecerás algún día?
My answer is:
"I'm Al massena.
You are my man,
Do you like life?
You are cruel.
No, I am a superhero sometimes.
Do you know what you're doing,
Can you come?
Wide Dosta is Harley Tendida. "
Le dije a los HIELOS:? What does this mean?
My answer is:
"? Ramos pista de Patinaj,
The road to global calentamiento.
Perot Todo Saliomar
On our journey.
You'll never have it.
He's a mole,
de hipocresía y chantaje。 "
Le dije al CIELO:? Are you free?
"Todos Los Diaz Hospedo
Miles de Vulos de Avi onions
Y recibo plegarias and rezos
y millones de oraciones。
No, I love you.
A happy home.
If I don't agree,
porque vendrá mi respuesta
You're Shiloh celeste.
tend ran una noche funesta"
What does water mean? Porqué son medicinales?
My answer is:
"How are you?
y para dolores alivio,
I don't know what to do.
You are a member of my life,
Health and prosperity plan
Y placer al cuerpo sufrido
De la profundidad venimos,
Don't destroy the alliance. "
Starry Night? Do you like Tambella?
My answer is:
"What's your name?
Man is God.
Adu? Andose del Sierra,
Cathedral of Creyando.
Comenzaron el cabotaje
Spanish manor,
But I don't agree,
Nit Adu? This is space.
Contemporary civilization,
This is a reality,
De Kun peck? Oh, help.
Painful days? Porqué son cada vez más furiosas?
My answer is:
“Así es nuestro lenguaje。
Nuestra furia se desata
cuando la civilizión mata
This is our way.
Así será nuestro mensaje,
In the real world,
relámpagos que insiran coraje,
You really like amperaje,
Do you think the train will be late? o。 "
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