Mianmiangualu. When the people were first born, they were born from the earth. The ancient father and father, Tao Fu Tao Cong, had no family. The old man and his father are coming to court. He led the Western Water Margin to Qixia. Yuan and Jiang Nu came to Xuyu. Zhou Yuan is sweet, and the pansy tea is like sweet. At the beginning of the relationship, the plan was formed, and the relationship was established with me. At the end of the day, I built a house here. It is comfort and stop, it is left and right, it is territory and principle, and it is declared and it is mother. From the west to the east, Zhou Yuan was the deacon. He called Sikong and Situ to establish a family. The rope is straight, and the version is reduced to carry it as a temple wing. Stab the ridge, save the dying, build it up and cut it down. Hundreds of barriers are prosperous, but the drums and drums cannot win. Then Gaomen was established, and Gaomen had a couple. He stood up to answer the door and answered the general. The tomb was erected on the soil, and the soldiers marched uglyly. He will not be stunned, nor will he die. The twigs have been pulled out, and the way has been fulfilled. The barbarians are in chaos, and their beaks are in balance! Yu Rui's quality has been established, and King Wen has been born. I say there is sparse attachment, I say there is sequence. I say that there is a rush to play, and I say that there is a defense against insults!
As we all know, the "Book of Songs" is not just a literary work. When studying the pre-Qin era, it is more appropriate to regard it as a history book. , this poem records the glorious history of the development and growth of the Zhou nation, just like "continuous melons", the longer the melon vines, the greater the fruit. In the end, King Wen of Zhou was the "fruit", and finally led the Zhou tribe to powerful.
Portrait of King Wen of Zhou, a poem, a history of the Zhou tribe’s displacement. The founder of the Zhou tribe, during the period of the ancient Gong and Danfu.
During the Yu-Xia Dynasty, the tribal leader Houji (originally named Qi) passed away, and his son Bucheng (pronounced ku) succeeded the tribal leader. He also inherited his father's position as an agricultural official in the Xia Dynasty. In his later years, At that time, the political power of the Xia Dynasty changed. Rule, this is the famous "Taikang lost the country" in history.
Decades later, Taikang’s nephew Shaokang, under the banner of his ancestor Dayu, summoned Bo Mi, an old minister of the Xia Dynasty, and others, and gained the support of the Yu clan, the most powerful tribe at the time, and conquered the city in one fell swoop. The old capital, regained the throne, restored the rule of the Xia Dynasty, and started the first era in Chinese history named "Zhongxing", the "Shaokang Zhongxing". It was at this time that the Houji tribe was expelled for unknown reasons. original sphere of influence.
Shaokang Zhongxing
The Houji tribe migrated arduously under the leadership of the old chief Buchen. They did not stop until they encountered the Rong Di, a nomadic people from the West, and gradually gave up on their own tribe. The agricultural technology he was most good at turned to animal husbandry, and he remained stable like this for decades. After the grandson Liu of Bucheng succeeded to the throne, the Houji tribe ushered in an era of prosperity. They began to pay attention to agriculture again, began to level the land, began to build water conservancy projects, and even crossed the Wei River to harvest wood from Nanshan to build residences. This is recorded in detail in "Historical Records".
Although Gong Liu was between Rong and Di, he restored Houji's business, farmed, and traveled to a suitable land. He crossed the Wei River from Qi and Ju. The common people embraced it, and the rise of Zhou Dao began from this point on!
Gong Liu's son moved the tribe to Bin (bin) land, which is now Bin County, Shaanxi Province. The Houji tribe began to gradually prosper. With the prosperity of their farming life, the intrusion of Di Rong was inevitable. The good situation began to reverse again, and the Houji tribe began to fall into silence and decline. A few years later, a tribal saint was born. He was Gu Gong Danfu. After he inherited the position of tribal leader, he was determined to restore the Houji tribe to its former glory.
The sphere of influence of the Rongdi people
The Rongdi people are still harassing them. The ancient public and Danfu first made concessions with them. The other party wanted property for property, population for population, and This approach angered the tribe members, but Gu Gong and Danfu still gave in and did not intend to go to war with Rong Di. This is what he said.
If the people establish a king, they will benefit them. Today Rong and Di are attacking and fighting for our land and people. What's the difference between the people being with me and the people being there. The people want to fight on my own terms, kill fathers and sons and dominate them, which is intolerable.
Although these words are said in a noble style, the main reason is that the Houji tribe is not strong enough to fight the enemy. Therefore, in order to preserve the strength of the tribe, Gu Gongdanfu took some tribesmen across the Qi Dynasty. The water and Jushui crossed the Liangshan Mountains and arrived at the current area of ??Qishan County, Shaanxi Province. Although this place is located in a relatively high position, it has a suitable area for farming. It is called "Zhouyuan". After the tribe settled here, it was later called "Zhouyuan". "Zhou people".
Under the leadership of Gu Gong Danfu, the Houji tribe was once again full of vitality. People who did not obey the rule of Rong Di came to seek refuge one after another. The surrounding tribes and residents heard that Gu Gong Danfu was benevolent and virtuous. They also came to seek refuge one after another. In this way, the Zhou tribe has gradually taken shape. Most of the ancient poems cited above describe the prosperous scene of ancient Gong and Danfu who led the people to build houses, build big cities, and develop production after they moved to Zhouyuan. They began to gradually form a new country in an orderly manner. At this time The Central Plains of China has reached the late Shang Dynasty.
Portrait of Ancient Gong Danfu, a saint of the Zhou tribe, during the period of King Wen.
Gong Danfu had three sons. The eldest was Taibo, the second was Yu Zhong, and the youngest was Ji Li. Ji Li's mother was Taijiang, the daughter of a famous family in a feudal kingdom with the surname Jiang. He married Tairen, who gave birth to a son for Ji Li, named Chang. Because all descendants of Houji were named Ji, he was named Ji Chang, also known as Ji Chang. It was the later famous sage King Wen of Zhou.
The Zhou tribe has always had a strong patriarchal concept and strictly implemented the eldest son inheritance system. But Ji Li's son became an exception after he was born. It is said that when Ji Chang was born, a red bird landed in front of the door with an alchemy book in its mouth. The oracle was written on the alchemy book, saying:
Respect is better than laziness, which is good; laziness is better than respect, and it is destroyed; righteousness is better than desire, and obedience is better; desire is better than righteousness, and it is worse. If anything is not strong, it will be in vain, and if it is not respectful, it will not be right. Those who are in vain will be destroyed, but those who respect it will live forever. Obtain it with benevolence, keep it with benevolence, and it will last for hundreds of generations. To gain it with unkindness and to keep it with kindness will last for ten lifetimes. If you gain it with unkindness and keep it with unkindness, you will not be able to live in the world.
This "oracle" is probably fabricated by later generations, but it clarifies the truth of governance. Seeing that his grandson was so special, Gu Gongdan's father had the idea of ??passing on the throne. He couldn't help but admired and said: "There should be someone prosperous in our world, who is prosperous?" When his eldest son Taibo and Yu Zhong heard this, they thought Gu Gongdan's father was about to pass on the position of clan leader to Ji Chang, so in order not to cause problems to their father, the two brothers fled to the south overnight so that their father could pass the position of tribal leader to Ji Chang. This is the Zhou clan. The famous "brother gives way" legend. It is said that the two brothers ran to Zeguo, a water town in the south. They didn't want to run away anymore, so they followed the local customs, cut off their hair, tattooed their bodies with fish and dragon patterns, and became "barbarians" in the south. Not long after that , the two actually established a powerful vassal state here, Wu State.
The brothers surrendered the country
Not long after the two left, Gu Gong and Danfu passed away, and the throne was passed to Lao San Ji Li, which is also the Gong Ji in the history books. The history books record it There are relatively few records. There are only some records in "Historical Records", which only say that Gong Ji "cultivated the ancient Gong's legacy, devoted himself to doing justice, and the princes obeyed it." However, based on other historical data, it can be seen that in Gongji's era, the Zhou tribe had become a powerful country in the West, constantly expanding its territory, and even defeated the Rongdi people and was forced to move north, so it gradually aroused the fear of the Shang Dynasty. Around the time of Shang King Wen Ding or Emperor Yi, King Shang granted Gong Ji the title of "priest" and managed various vassal states in the west.
At this period, Gong Ji went to the Shang Dynasty to receive a title, but was killed on the order of the Shang King, and Ji Chang was also imprisoned. After a period of time, the Shang King saw that there was no movement from the Zhou tribe, so he He put Ji Chang back to be "Xi Bo", and just like that, Ji Chang left Chaoge with hatred. The hatred of killing his father is buried deep in Ji Chang's heart. After all, he currently lacks strength and prestige to openly fall out with the Shang Dynasty. He can only continue to accumulate strength first and follow the route of "doing good deeds, accumulating virtue, and winning the hearts of the people". History books It is recorded that: "Following the legacy of Houji and Gongliu, we follow the laws of the ancient Gong and Gongji, which are benevolence, respect for the elderly, and kindness to the young. Those who are courteous to the wise will not have time to eat in the daytime to treat the scholars, and the scholars will return with this." Ji Chang In dormancy, waiting to soar into the sky in the future.