Lyrics of Paradise University

[00:04.36]BIGBANG third mini paradise [00:06.46]BY Princess vip [00:09.46]G* I love you and I remember your paradise [00: 15. 18] Sing together [00:18]. Lalalala-[00: 23.61] Lalalala-[00: 30.41] [00: 31.91] T * 24/7 She is a paradise forever [00: 30]. 7 She is my paradise [00: 39. 1 1] T * 24/7. She is an eternal paradise [00: 42.82] G * 24/7 paradise [00: 45.61] [00: 46.04] g. It is totally unsuitable for my love to come in a sultry summer [00:53.96]. I waited and waited until I dreamed that you were my other half [00:58. 1 1]. You are the place where my heart lives. I just want to see it and give it to [0 1: 0 1.37]. My throat is dry with excitement. Why did all my love escape [0 1:05.27]? I don't think I know my heart, but I still don't know it [0 1:09.04]. Even so, I don't want to miss you. I don't want you to leave before my eyes. You are the only one in my life. She is as beautiful as a fairy [01:16.72] [01:17.08]. She loves you and cries for you, remembering that you are waiting for you [0 1:30.96]. Love you and remember you [0 1:47.66]T* Happy and sad tears Y* Stars in the sky and the kingdom of heaven [02: 01.08] [02: 01.82] s * She has hidden me all my life [02:04.97]. [02:08.73]Y* How many times do I catch your hand a day [02: 12.65] Touching the corners of my mouth is like getting the sweet fragrance of the whole world [02:15.98] [02:16.33] T * Oh, baby, it enters the home page every day [02:16.33] I remember that you are waiting for you [her words I love you [02:53. 13] Love you, and I remember you [02: 59.68] [03: 00.34] g * ei ei, listen to me [03: 01]. I am afraid that you will leave me again. Thank you very much. I love you very much. The gate of heaven in my heart is only for one person [03:16.37] [03:16]. Her words: I love you [03:38.3 1] Love you and remember you [03: 45.59] [03: 46.56] G * 24/7 My Paradise [03: 49.32] [03: 50.42] The third mini paradise of the Big Bang.