Father's love is like a mountain, tall and towering, which makes me timid and dare not climb; father's love is like the sky, rough and far-reaching, which makes me look up with pity and dare not scream; father's love is like a river , slender and flowing, so that I dare not step into it.
I have compiled English poems that praise my father, welcome to read!
English poems that praise my father Part 1
Parent's Murphy's Law
1. Parenting is a 24- hour-a-day job with no salary, no raises, no promotions and very few
2. Parents are responsible for everything that happens to their children.
3. Guilt and self-blame are occupational hazards.
4. Parents don't get worker's compensation or any other fringe benefits.
5. Parents can never retire -- even when their kids ask them to.
6. Parents "don't get no respect" --until they die--and then it's too late.
-- Bruce Lanksy
English Poems in Praise of Father Part 2
Be Kind To Thy Father
Be kind to thy father,
for when thou wert young,
Who loved thee so fondly as he?
He caught the first accents that
fell from thy tongue,
And joined in thy innocent glee.
English Hymns to Praise Father Part 3
Fathers Need Not Fathers Be
Fathers need not fathers be.
All one needs to do is choose
To love for life, and that embrace,
Held long and hard, bestows the grace
Each craves. For all in time must lose,
Restored alone by memory.
So now it is with you and me.