Background of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Writing

"Sonnets" occupies a very important position in all Shakespeare's works. The collection of poems contains 154 poems, which are generally believed to have been written between 1592 and 1598. It was first published in London in 1609. The collection of poems is divided into two parts. The first part is the first 126 poems, which is dedicated to a young nobleman. The poet's poems warmly praise the beauty of this friend and their friendship; the second part is the 127th poem to the end, which is dedicated to a young nobleman. Lady, describe love.

The sonnet is a short lyrical poem originating from Italian folk. It was popular throughout Europe during the early Renaissance. Its structure is very strict and is divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part has eight lines and the lower part has Six lines, each line has eleven syllables, and the rhyme arrangement is: abba abba, cdc ded. The structure of Shakespeare's sonnets is more rigorous. He divided the fourteen lines into two parts. The first part is three four lines, and the second part is two lines. Each line has ten syllables. The rhyme is: abab, cdcd,efef,gg. This format later became known as "Shakespearean" or "Elizabethan". For poets, the more restrictive the structure of a poem, the more difficult it is to express emotion. However, Shakespeare's sonnets are unrestricted and free-spirited. Just like his plays, the language of his poems is also full of imagination and emotion.