The ancients tried not to commit crimes, and if there were mistakes, they did not punish. A hundred efforts to maintain time, ordinary achievements are virtuous, courteous, and virtuous. Therefore, it is the best in the world, thinking it is three; The height of a country is thought to be nine Qing; The height of a county is called twenty-seven doctors; The height of a township is 8 1 yuan. Therefore, those who are smarter than 10,000 people are called English, those who are thousands are called handsome, those who are hundreds are called Hao, and those who are ten are called outstanding. Manage tomorrow, look at geography and understand human feelings. Dazu is tolerant of the public, far-sighted in morality, different in faith and righteousness, content is changeable, and people are English; Virtue is enough to educate, behavior is enough to hide, benevolence is enough to win the public, knowledge is enough to shine, and people are handsome; Behavior is enough to show appearance, contentment is enough to set suspicion, honesty is enough to divide wealth, faith can be kept, things can be done well, and people who speak well are proud of others; Stick to your post, never hesitate to keep up with the competition, be meticulous in meeting difficulties, be meticulous in meeting profits, and be outstanding. Britain, Jun, Hao, Jie, each with small materials, each in its place, each in its place, from the end of the present, focusing on light, singing for the people, moving up and down, within the four seas, United as one, returning to greed, but also for the people, if the wind shakes the grass, it will be invincible. Today, we let fools learn, so that we will not be ignorant of sages. Although the punishment is severe, the people will obey. Small cannot be big, weak cannot be strong.
Therefore, saints make meritorious deeds by recommending sages, and do not praise the similarity of the Lord. King Wen holds the hope of high officials, Zhao Gong is the king, Huan Gong is Guan Zhong, and he seeks hegemony for his friends, with boundless merits. Fu Cha died with the slaughter, and the Qin people Reese and Zhao Gao died. So, we can see what they are doing, and we can also see the chaos; Examine the party and govern the party, and don't talk about morality. Those who bow to saints seek to stretch; Those who waste, in order to be straight; Therefore, even if you take the evil road and the secluded road, you will want to take the straight road and achieve great things. You can't walk out of the forest directly, but you have to be satisfied to save the drowning person. Yi Yin worried about the death of the world, reconciled the five flavors and made a negative decision. Five is the solution, five is the soup, the desire is turbid, and the danger is wonderful. Duke of Zhou and Zhou Shi joined forces, and the auxiliary wing was king. Guan Shu, Cai Shu wanted to mess with Rufu, and the Duke of Zhou ruled the world out of necessity. Guan Zi was worried about Zhou Shi's bad habits, so he accepted Zhuang Ke's soldiers. When Yi Di attacked China, people could not live in peace. Therefore, he endured humiliation and did not die. He is willing to worry about the suffering of Yidi, and he is willing to make peace with the chaos of Yidi. Confucius wanted to be a king, but everything happened together. Therefore, he wants to know that Tao is because of Mrs. Wei's harmony. All this is to avoid danger and filth, from obscurity to obscurity, to advance in strength and to combine with goodness.
The husband looked at the one who was chasing after the other, but the observer was at the end. So Shun Fang's younger brother, the younger brother of Duke Zhou, is still a benevolent person; Wen Gong, a few meters away, is still known in Jiayang, Ceng Zi. In today's world, ugliness needs self-improvement, and evil needs self-improvement. Swim regardless of the country, officials don't choose officials, but don't pollute, saying that the way of easy yin is also; Fighting for money separately, relatives and brothers building grievances, thieves of the same flesh and blood, saying the righteousness of the Duke of Zhou; There is no shame in walking, and you will not die if you are humiliated. Permission to bribe, interest in power, setting up private affairs and abolishing public affairs are more tolerant than Zhou, which is called the skill of Confucius. This makes both gentlemen and villains very confused, and they don't know who is right or wrong. Therefore, all rivers flow together, and people who don't pay attention to the sea are not rivers and valleys; Go with the flow, if you don't return to goodness, you are not a gentleman. Therefore, saying good things belongs to feasibility, and doing good things belongs to benevolence and righteousness. Tian Zifang and Duan Ganmu put his body above life, and didn't want to hurt his life or get tired. Li Ke spared no effort, led hundreds of officials, compiled admiration for all the people, and made his life worthwhile and his death unsatisfied. The trip was attributed to good people. Zhang Yi and Su Qin's family lived a fickle life and had no fixed monarch. They are about to follow the balance, with the purpose of subverting, confusing the world, scratching the princes, so that the people will not live a rich life, or follow or cross, or unite with the weak, or help the rich and the strong. This behavior is also attributed to ugliness.
Therefore, the fault of a gentleman is also the eclipse of the sun and the moon, so why harm Ming! Little people can't bark at night, and dogs can't bark at night! People who know their husbands will not make hasty decisions, but choose good deeds and act according to justice. The success of the story is full of merits and demerits, and the death is famous. Although there is knowledge and ability, it must be based on benevolence and righteousness in order to be established and knowledge and ability can go hand in hand. Sages take benevolence and righteousness as the criterion, the middle one is called a gentleman, and the middle one is called a villain. Although a gentleman dies, his name will last forever; Although the villain is in power, his crime has not been removed. It makes people bite the left throat according to the map of the world, and fools don't do it. The body is more expensive than the world. It's hard to die, but when you come back from the dead, righteousness is more important than body. The world, Italy, is smaller than its body; The weight of the body is also lighter than righteousness; Justice is everything. "Poetry" says: "A gentleman seeks happiness for himself and never returns." Writing is based on faith. If you want to be the overlord, you win; Be strong if you can win; If you can be strong, you need manpower. Those who can use manpower will win the hearts of the people; Whoever can win the hearts of the people will be complacent.
Therefore, the heart is the foundation of the body; The body is the foundation of the country. It's not good for others, it's not good for yourself. Therefore, it is the foundation of governance, and its service lies in stabilizing people's hearts; The root of the people lies in making full use of it; The basis of making full use of it is not to seize time; Do not hurry, in order to save trouble; The root of saving trouble lies in saving money; The root of thrift lies in reflexivity. Those who fail to shake its source and level its end will muddy its source and clear its flow. People who know the feelings of sex have nothing to do with it; Know the love of life, don't worry about the helplessness of life. Therefore, those who are not tall in the palace do not love wood; Zhong Ding is young. He doesn't love gold. Taking the feelings of life directly, the system can serve the whole people.
Today, my eyes are full of color, my mouth is full of flavor, my ears are full of obscenity, and my seven senses are fighting against the nature that hurts me. I was tempted by evil desires, watered my body and reconciled with my husband. My body can be cured, and I can't stand this world! Therefore, if you raise yourself well, you will raise the people well. The so-called man who won the world does not mean that he is handed down from books in the position of power, and is called the title, saying that he is the power of the world and won the heart of the world. In the land of Zhou, there is the East China Sea on the left and quicksand on the right. In front of the toes, there is the back of the secluded capital. From Rongguan to Pushui, there are more than one million, but they all shoot arrows and fight with halberds. The prince of Wu left and right supported Bai Fang to persuade him, so he collapsed and left, and the soil collapsed. If you have the name of the south without the virtue of one person, you will lose the world. Therefore, Jie and Zhou are not kings, but Tang and Wu do not let go. At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, the pickaxe hoed the ground only a hundred miles away, but he vowed to take Mu Zhi wild, enter Yanzhou, go to the Tang Temple, show the capacity of merchants, seal the tomb of Bigan, and release Kiko's prisoner. Is to beat drums, suppress five soldiers, ride horses and cattle, and face the world. The people sang and enjoyed it, and the princes held the birds and faced them, which won the hearts of the people. He Lu cut Chu, entered Ying in Five Wars, burned millet in Gaofu, broke Kowloon Bell, flogged King Jingping's tomb, abandoned the palace, and the people's fathers and brothers helped the young and the old, so they fought for it. At this time, the ranks are all dead, but Chu can be recovered. Ling Wang made a platform for Zhang Hua, sent a campaign to dry the stream, and drew outside and inside. The people stopped, gave up their illness, and made a comparison by using the grievances of the people. People let go of their arms, starved in dry streams, ate wild food and drank water, and died with pillows. The mountains and rivers of Chu are unchanged, the land is not easy, and the people are different in nature. While Zhao Haoqi was martyred, the spiritual king walked twice, gaining and losing people.
Therefore, the son of heaven got the word and kept the four instruments; The son of heaven lost his way and stayed with the princes. The princes got the news, and in their neighbors; The vassal lost his way and waited around. Therefore, the soup is seventy miles, and the king of literature is a hundred miles, which makes the world forbidden. The decline of the Zhou Dynasty also led to KATTO's retreat in Chu and Qiu. Therefore, if you gain the Tao, you will lead the princes with a hundred miles. If you lose the Tao, you will fear Jizhou with the world. So, if you don't depend on it, you can't take it away. Doing what you can take away, rather than usurping your itinerary, is not conducive to ruling the world. The reason why mortals are born is that clothing and food are also in this ghost room. Although humble, clothes embroidered colorful, but can not be happy. If you don't see with your eyes, you don't have to listen with your ears. If you see the rain, you will soon sigh. If you open an account, you will see it from the shadow! I saw it from the shadows, but I was still very happy. I walked out of the room and saw the sun and moonlight! Seeing the sun and moonlight, I am happy. I am climbing Mount Tai and stepping on stones to look forward to the eight famine, to see if the sky is covered and the river is brought. Everything is in the middle! Have fun, okay? There are also deaf people who have ears but no sense of smell; Blind people can't see if they can't see. Husband speaks, so know yourself and know yourself; Therefore, those who smell it can understand how others feel about themselves. Deaf people don't talk, deaf people don't hear. They are all deaf and dumb, which is inhuman. Therefore, deaf-mute people are lonely deaf-mute people, although they have to go to their homes for medical treatment, regardless of the cost! And a will. Husband refers to detention, and all he says is application; My heart is blocked and I don't know what to do; The whole class doesn't know. The husband's view of six arts is wide, and the poverty is deep, reaching the highest, reaching the lowest, moving to infinity, flying to the invisible, wide in the four seas, worshiping Mount Tai, rich in rivers, open and clear, and nothing between heaven and earth. Isn't it great? People's understanding is shallow, but things become infinite. If you don't know what you know now, you will gain more and learn more. If things are universal, you will know them; Have a taste and you can do it; Therefore, if you are sick, you must be prepared; Difficult, you can certainly do it. My husband lives a lifetime, and it is not bad to know the past and know the present. Its reason is simple, but it can't be said that it has skills! People want to know more than others, but they can't do it, according to the principle of teaching; If you want to know your weight, you will be happy if you weigh it. If you want to know the distance but can't do it, teach it to shoot quickly with golden eyes. What's more, you must know that you must be poor and not poor! It's fun not to be awed when you are in trouble, not to be confused when you see trouble, and to be complacent when you are bored.
Husband, tangible life, also blind date; Those who enjoy food and gas are affected, which is also beneficial to you; All wise men learn and become excellent officials, and they are also teachers. Shooter misses a few shots, he is happy to be taught by the instrument, and he is happy to be sick! Everyone knows that learning is good for them, but those who can't play are harmful. People are useless and harmful, so they are not rich in wisdom and lack of days. If you plow the field with the power of digging a pond, the field will be opened; With the height of heaped-up mountains, water is enough; If you cultivate a scholar at the expense of eating dog Ma Hongyan, your reputation will be glorious; Reciting poems and reading books on hunting and playing games will certainly enrich your knowledge. Therefore, if you don't learn, you might as well be deaf. The philosophers can know the difference between the world and chaos, and they can see the end clearly, so they can be said to have a little knowledge. What heaven does, animals and plants; What people do, etiquette system. It is indeed built for the palace and for the ship. The reason why governance is people-oriented is benevolence and righteousness; Therefore, in the end, so is the decree. The reason why mortals make trouble is because they are born human; The reason why the dead, at the end of also. In the final analysis, one body is also; Two love each other, and one has sex. First, after the end, call it a gentleman; Finally, I killed this little man. There is no difference between the essence of a gentleman and a villain, but there are priorities. The nature of vegetation, flood is the foundation, killer is the end; Animal nature, the big one is the head and the small one is the tail. If the end is larger than the original, it will be folded, and if the end is larger than the main, it will not fall off. Therefore, eating its mouth is fattening, watering its roots is beautiful, and the nature of heaven and earth is also. Creatures in heaven and earth also have their origins and endings, and their nourishment also has its priorities. If people are treated, there is no end!
Therefore, righteous people are the foundation of governing the country. Today, I don't know how to fix the root and the end. I just let go of the root and irrigate its branches. Moreover, the birth of law is supplemented by benevolence and righteousness. Value the law today and abandon righteousness. It is expensive to forget its head and feet. Therefore, those who are righteous are also righteous and have a strong foundation. Those who do not benefit from its thickness and tension will be eliminated, while those who do not broaden its foundation and increase its height will be repeated. Zhao Zheng did not increase his virtue but tired his height, so he died; Zhi Bo died because he couldn't uphold justice and didn't do things in a wide way. Language says: not big, not heavy. Re-emphasizing ink if the country, Dong Morode. The state has its people, the city has its foundation, and the wood has its roots. Deeply rooted, Jimei is better. Five Emperors and Three Wang Zhidao, the discipline of the world, the instrument of governance. Today, Shang Yang opened the plug, Shen Zi accepted the three symbols, Han Fei was lonely and angry, and Zhang Yi and Su Qin obeyed, all of them took power and practiced various techniques. The foundation of non-governance, the constancy of things, can be learned and replaced. The north is full of Chu, and the north cannot be mediocre; Chords are high and birthdays exist, so birthdays cannot be unchanged. Today, the sounds of "elegance" and "ode" are all derived from words and feelings, so the monarch and the minister are friendly and the father and son are close, so the joy of "Shao" and "Xia" is also immersed in stone, moistening things silently. Today, take the voice of resentment and think, apply it to the string tube, and those who smell it will be sad if they don't commit adultery, which will confuse the distinction between men and women, and sorrow will feel resentment and think. What is the so-called joy!
Wang Zhao moved to Fangling and remembered his hometown. As an obituary of mountains and rivers, the audience shed tears. Jingke stabbed the king of Qin in the west, and Yi Song sang Xiao Shui, with the aim of hitting the floor. Everyone who heard it was stunned and his hair was planted in the crown. Because of the joy of this voice, I entered the ancestral temple, which is the so-called joy in ancient times! Therefore, it is not good to be able to serve; The sum of large spoonfuls is edible but not tasteable; If Zhu's string leaks, you can sigh three times, but you can smell it. Therefore, those who are silent can listen to it; A tasteless person is a person full of flavor. Barking is clear to the ear, eating faster than the mouth and not expensive. Stories are not based on morality, nor can they be tools; Words don't agree with the first king, and they can't be the way; People who can't tune "elegance" and "ode" can't play. So Wuzi's words, so they say it is not the universal meaning of the world. When the holy king sets up politics and teaches students, he must judge its end, and his county law is based on the original, and he must judge its preparation. Think about its merits when you see its creation, and know its flow when you look at its source, so it is inexhaustible. Water flows from the mountains into the sea, and crops are born in fields and hidden in warehouses. A saint knows where he belongs when he sees his background. Therefore, Shun's gold is hidden deep in the rock-covered mountains, which makes him greedy. Yidi is a wine, so it is sweet to drink, and I can't bear to drink it, so I stopped my trip. Teacher Juan sang a song "Returning to the North" for Gong Ping, and Shi Kuang said: "This is also the joy of national subjugation." Breathe more and caress more, so it is also a wind to prevent prostitution.
Therefore, an old friend knows books and declines in virtue, knows numbers and declines in thickness, knows vouchers and acts in faith, and knows opportunities and declines in reality. Clever deception is hidden in the chest, so pure white is unguarded, and god and morality are incomplete. The piano makes no sound, but each of the 25 strings responds with its voice; The shaft does not move, and the 30 spokes turn by their own strength. Strings are small and big, and then become songs; With rest and exercise, the car can go far. The person who makes a sound is silent; He who can travel thousands of miles will not move. Therefore, it is a rule to go up and down in different ways, and the same person is chaotic. Those who have a high road will follow, and those who have a small road will be fierce. Therefore, small quick harm righteousness, Xiao Zhi harm virtue, small argument harm governance, rough cutting harm virtue. Major policies are not dangerous, so the people of Yi Dao; Be well off, so don't be a thief; Loyal to the past, so the people have no hidden feelings. Shang Yang sat for Qin, but the people complained bitterly. Wuqi is Chu's salary reduction order. And the hero is around. Shang Yang legislated, Wu Qi fought, and the people in the world were good. Shang Yang's method of destroying Qin was based on the trace of the knife and pen, but he didn't know the root of the chaos. Wuqi used to do Chen's things, but he didn't know the right of temple warfare. Jin Xiangong's attack on the jackal was not bad, but Shi Su felt sorry for it and saw that his fourth life was a disaster. Fu Cha, the king of Wu, defeated Qi Ailing and won the Golden Emperor Pool, but he was worried about it. He saw that it must be a bird in Vietnam. When it comes to running to Juxian and Cao, I'm not sleepy, waiting for the thieves to know that they can be bullies. Gou Jian lives in the meeting, and it is not dangerous to repair the government. He thinks endlessly and knows that disaster is a blessing. Xiangzi is both victorious and worried, fearing happiness and misfortune.
So, Qi Huangong died in Wenyang and Zhi Bo died in Sanjin. Sages see good and evil in coincidence, but they are worried about those who suffer from nine strokes. It's not bad to harvest the original silkworm at the age of one, but it's also the residual mulberry that is forbidden by the king's law. The rice was cooked before it left, and the farmers harvested it, but there was no small profit but quick turnover. Old people eat different meals and enjoy different things, which is not expensive. It is also harmful for children and women to go to class and drink soup on their knees. It's not annoying, but it's not easy to wait for the media to make a statement, hire women, and meet for the first time, so we should also prevent adultery. It is not unreasonable to make the folk houses feel guilty, but it hurts the heart of harmony and constitutes hatred. There is a story of digging holes and flowers growing and trees falling leaves. It's not convenient enough to chisel out, it's frustrating enough to drive out, it's not profitable enough to plant, and it's sad enough to be born. Fools are confused by small profits and forget their great harm. Changyang sheep get rid of fleas and lice, but people are worried, so they come to poverty; Cats catch mice and can't appear in court, but also to catch chickens. Stories are beneficial to the small and harmful to the big, and those who benefit from them will die from the other. Therefore, a chess player must be poor or win by winning. Stealing profits can't be done, and wisdom can't be done.
So people know the beauty of talents. The so-called benevolent, love also; The so-called knower knows people. There will be no torture if you love someone, and there will be no confusion if you know someone. There is no paradox in the rule of arts and sciences; If punishment is not cruel, there will be no tyrannical trip. There is no cure for the troubles in the world, and there is no resentment and hope, and three generations will prosper together. Therefore, the book says: "Being smart and profitable, CoCo Lee is pregnant with it." Don't worry, you can grow seedlings if you move. "Zhi Bo has five talents, but he has to be killed and love others. Wang Qijian has three unique skills, and he is trapped in Qin without knowing virtue. Therefore, benevolence is greater than love, and knowledge is greater than knowing people. Although the two are not established, chaos is inevitable.