Previous Chang 'e explorations have achieved a lot of scientific research results for China. For example, Chang 'e IV successfully explored the back of the moon for the first time, Chang 'e V retrieved1700g of lunar soil for human beings, and Chang 'e VII will have more powerful capabilities. China has not disclosed the specific information of the Chang 'e-7 probe, but according to other data, Chang 'e-7 will be a lander, a lunar rover, an orbiter and a lunar spacecraft.
In the choice of landing site, Chang 'e VII probe will land at the South Pole of the Moon for the first time. Previous detection results in other countries show that there may be a lot of water here, which is convenient for human beings to establish a moon base here in the future. Chang 'e VII will carry out a joint exploration mission of the lander and lunar rover similar to Chang 'e IV, and will also carry its own relay communication satellite to provide data relay service for itself, just like Queqiao satellite of Chang 'e IV. In addition, it will also carry the world's only lunar overflight probe to carry out suborbital exploration. In the past, the lunar probes launched by humans were either stationary landers or mobile lunar rover, but although the lunar rover has the ability to move, its moving speed is usually very slow. For example, China's Yutu-2 lunar rover only traveled 1 km after landing on the lunar surface for four years, which limited its efficiency in carrying out its mission, while the lunar flyby probe to be carried by Chang 'e-7 has the ability of short-distance flight. It is said that it is equipped with many mechanical legs, which can crawl on the surface of the moon like an insect, and a small engine, which can ignite the engine to lift off from the surface of the moon and fly to the position of interest along the suborbital for detection.
Being able to fly makes this lunar leap probe have far more detection ability than ordinary lunar rover. In the past, after finding the target of interest, the lunar rover needed to run slowly to the target site for detailed detection. However, once the lunar leap detector in China finds the target of interest, even if it is thousands or even dozens of kilometers away from itself, it can directly ignite the engine and fly from the air to land near the target. Then use mechanical legs to crawl to the target site for detection, which greatly improves the work efficiency. Even if the engine runs out of fuel, it can crawl with mechanical legs to perform tasks like an ordinary lunar rover. Previously, the expected launch date of the Chang 'e VII detector was 2024. However, with the rapid development of China's space industry in recent years, the launch date of Chang 'e VII has been advanced, and it is likely to be launched in 2023. After a successful landing, it will unveil the mystery of the moon for China.