Jianghu emergency! +extra points for accurate translation.

Answer in a hurry, temporarily translated as follows:

Although Shakespeare inserted sonnets into several of his plays, the name "Shakespeare's Sonnets" usually refers to 154, a collection of poems entitled "Shakespeare's Sonnets", which was published in 1609. Scholars have come to the conclusion that Shakespeare actually wrote this poem 154 for a long time (probably between 1592 and 1597), which is also a critical period in Shakespeare's early writing career, that is, when he wrote the most famous early tragedy Romeo and Juliet, and the love drama script included Shakespeare's.

All the poems included in Shakespeare's Sonnets published by 1609 adopt standard sonnets with rhyming antitheses, and all of them (except one) are created according to the natural iambic pentameter rhythm, which makes the stress format of their poems close to the usual expression style of English language.

154 poems are usually divided into three categories: the larger group of poems (sonnets1-126) is written by the author to a handsome young man he loves, and the rest (sonnets127-152) can be divided into two groups. Sonnets with reproachful tone to mysterious women do not show clear narrative continuity, but poems dedicated to young men do have well-conceived continuity. This form of sonnet is similar to that used by philip sidney (1554- 1586), a contemporary English poet of Shakespeare, in his poem Astro Boy and Stella ten years ago.

Shakespeare's sonnets are characterized by the perfect use of artistic forms to express strong feelings. Love and infidelity are the themes of these two poems. In the general category (note:1-126 poems), this theme is intertwined with the themes of expressing beauty, immortality, the test of time, and the power of poets to maintain love and make loved ones immortal.

How can I compare you to summer?

You are not only cuter than it, but also gentler than it;

The strong wind humiliated the buds that might have been loved,

The summer lease is too short;

The eyes in the sky are sometimes too dazzling,

Its shining golden face is often covered up:

Destroyed by accidental or impermanent heaven,

No fragrance is not ultimately carved or destroyed.

But your long summer will never be carved,

I won't lose your bright red teeth,

Or death boasts that you wander in his shadow,

When you are as long as time in immortal poems.

As long as there are humans, or people have eyes,

This poem will live forever and give you life.

Liang Yi)