A gentleman is like jade: "Guo Feng·Qin Feng·Xiao Rong" says, "When you think about a gentleman, you warm him like jade."
A gentleman is like an orchid: The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and people will Sincere and pure friendship is called "Orchid Friendship", so it is also known as "Golden Orchid Worship"; when a gentleman hates evil as much as an enemy, it has the meaning of "orchid and moi burn together" and "orchid destroys jade"; a gentleman has an elegant temperament and his kindness will last forever. , it is also praised as "the quality of orchids smokes the heart" and "the fragrance of orchids smokes the laurels". People often say that a gentleman's aspirations are as elegant as orchids. He is born in a secluded cliff and has no desire to be famous. He embraces the fragrance and is surrounded by the fragrance of ancient poets. In "Li Sao", Qu Yuan once used orchid as a pendant to express his sentiment of purity and self-purity: "Hu Jiangli and Xizhi were standing there, and Ren Qiulan thought they admired them. ", expresses one's mind of not collaborating with the world and being tolerant. It shows the noble character and magnanimity of a gentleman. As a scholar, a gentleman must be able to withstand loneliness like an orchid, have self-respect and self-love, and transcend the world of mortals. "Orchids grow in deep valleys, and no one is fragrant by themselves." It is in line with the gentleman's character of tranquility and far-reaching, solitary and noble, and unconventional.