Chu people have shields and spears, praising: "My shield is strong and can't sink." He praised his spear and said, "The benefits of my spear are all trapped in things." Or: "What if the child's spear gets stuck in the child's shield?" He has the ability to respond. Invincible shields and invincible spears cannot coexist.
There was a man from Chu who sold both shields and spears. He boasted of his shield and said, "My shield is so strong that nothing can penetrate it." He boasted of his spear and said, "My spear is so sharp that anything solid can be pierced." Someone asked him, "What would happen if you stabbed your shield with your spear?" The man was tongue-tied and couldn't answer a word. A shield that can pierce nothing and a spear that can pierce everything cannot exist in this world at the same time.
To annotate ...
Spear: a long-handled weapon used to assassinate enemies in ancient times. The basic shapes of spears are narrow leaves, broad leaves, long leaves, blade bands and parallel styles with notches.
Shield: A shield used to shield swords in ancient times.
Fame: praise, boasting.
Say, say.
Wu: Me.
Trap: the meaning of penetration and piercing.
Or: someone.
Use: use; Use.
Son: You, as a courtesy title.
He Ru: How about it?
A: a.
Pro: Sharp, sharp.
Its: auxiliary words. This refers to people who sell spears and shields.
Vernon: No. Christopher, no.
One: Yes.
You (Yu): sell.
Person: A person. ...
Mo: Nothing.
Husband: Used at the beginning of a sentence to arouse discussion.